I said this to two young ladies working in my house about a month ago. One went right away and found out about sewing classes, and the other said she wanted to do some examinations to get into university. The one who opted to do the sewing has already started, and the other has been fired, unfortunately, for some VERY BAD decisions, never even finding out anything about the courses.


LIFE IS ALL ABOUT THE DECISIONS WE MAKE. You earn your respect; no one gives it to you. And that’s where a close relationship with God importantly comes in. In every moment we have access to Him and His infinite wisdom. God is an expert in EVERYTHING, and He knows the ultimate best decision for each of us at every moment. “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.”

God has seriously guided my life on such a beautiful path, and I want you here with me:

“…in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

“You’re trying to do too many things at once,” was some great advice I got recently. I was encouraged to slow my roll and take it one step at a time. And that’s the same with God. He guides us one step at a time. Our job is to learn His voice and to seek to do His will, which can be extremely difficult, but so worth it at the end. I fight with Him sometimes, “God, that’s too hard!!!” But when I’m obedient to Him, things go MUCH better than expected. God surely knows BEST!

I’ll never forget how I wanted to fire another staff some years ago, and within my Spirit, I felt God say, “YOU SHALL DO NO SUCH THING!” Can you believe this person has turned out to be extremely valuable to us? In fact, they’re not an employee anymore; they’re family.

So, I want us continually going to God and asking what HE WOULD HAVE US TO DO and then doing that, even when it is challenging. He knows the way to our Promised Lands. I’m living my very best life with Him, despite the evils the world wants to throw my way – As for me, my hope is in God.
