That was me to myself when I had like an hour and a half to spear between some appointments yesterday. The nerdy, God maniac here, decided to go and hang out in a bookstore chapel where I strongly feel God’s Presence, saying to me through these words arranged on the wall: “Fear not. I am with you.”

I read my meditation book, He and I, that I’m enjoying so much. My high five from God was when He asked me through these words:

“Don’t you know that I give you far more than you expect?”

YES! YES! YES!!! God, you have gone BEYOND MY IMAGINATION in what you’ve done for me. I thought about something recent tat we have been blown away in just thinking about it. Like, God, YOU DID ALL THIS FOR US? We do not doubt that it is Him working behind the scenes on plans that seem too good to be true.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is he who takes refuge in him.” – Psalm 34:8

What I explained to my kids yesterday is that every little thing you do counts towards God fulfilling the BIG things and the excellent plans He has for us long before we’re even born. They add up! So, I want us going even BEYOND what God expects of us, being the EXCELLENT people He is calling us to be in every moment because this is how He leads us on the path to the BESTEST LIFE. Forget what anyone else is doing! That’s between them and God. Whatever we do is between Him and us!

That means loving others extravagantly, being excellent in our THOUGHTS, WORDS, AND DEEDS, forgiving endlessly remembering that Heaven and God is our AUDIENCE and they’re always with us and watching. Let’s make God super proud of us!

Let’s make RESTING in God our permanent home where we’re going to Him asking always, ‘God, WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE ME TOD DO HERE?’ Then listen to His voice directing you one step at a time on what decision to make. His wisdom is not common wisdom. You see, GOD IS AN EXPERT IN EVERYTHING. There is no situation, big or small He can’t assist you with. God, I’m depending on YOU!!!

Start knowing the God thoughts from your regular ideas. The thoughts that said ‘MARRY HIM’ eighteen years ago after only knowing my husband for only a week, has given me the best spouse in the world. GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING! Have your alone times with Him so that you can more clearly discern and understand HIS will for your life.
