These words this morning from my daughter, Ember, made me seriously happy. I can easily write a book about our relationship: ‘Teenage Daughters Are From Another Planet.’ But God has been my Parental Counselor, and right now we’re surprisingly in a really good place. I’m a super proud mom, and AGAIN I’m giving all the glory to God. He taught me how to calm down and focus on Ember’s positives. And with all that constant praise, she has beautifully blossomed into a fine young lady. My appointments with God are what did the trick. I was this crazy tiger mom until God lovingly corrected me to focus MORE on Ember’s strengths and not her weaknesses. It worked!

And speaking of relationships, I have a new love and respect for my hubby today. I last wrote how I was attacked in a meeting and hubby called his own meeting to say that anyone who has anything to say about his wife, should come and say it to her face. And let me tell ya, when they came for me, my husband ATTACKED back like, “DON’T MESS WITH MY WIFE!!!” The person conducting the meeting said, “Emmanuel, I have three wives, but you can only have one with the way you’re defending Nikki.” LOL!

This gentlemen with all the wives has earned new respect from me as well. He asked, “How did we get here? We’re family.” He knows my heart is always in a good place despite the fact I may get a little crazy sometimes wanting everything to go my way. I’m still a work in progress. We all are. Our challenge from God is to go the extra mile in love and forgiveness despite each other’s faults and failures. Not easy, but this is where God wants us.

My other daughter, Julie, proudly told me about her appointment with God. “Mommy, I learned that we should be kind to even those who are not kind to us. That each person has their own judgment to face with God.” I said to her, “That’s why I’ve always taught you guys that everything is between God and us, not between us and anyone else.” I say I do this work for God of telling you about Him, but He is incredibly working for me. The challenges, disappointments, hurts, problems, trials, and frustrations never go away, but God is always there to guide me through life’s storms with His wisdom and LOVE. I’m not worried about nothing because I know my God is in control and just how hubby jumped to defend me yesterday, God is the BIGGEST and MOST TRUSTWORTHY DEFENDER EVER. Wink! Wink! He hasn’t disappointed me yet!

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” – John 14:27

“Since that day, I’ve been learning to enjoy life more and to savor its many pleasures, big and small. I’m noticing God’s loving presence more, how He helps me, guides me, and sprinkles my life with His blessings, like little love notes to remind me how much He cares.” – Activated Magazine

My hope, unlimited hope, is forever in God. Are you with me?