That’s the message I hope you’re getting from all my “crazy” God stories! And that He is intimately involved in every moment of our lives.

Like yesterday, He revealed His Presence with us on the way back home from seeing the movie Aladdin, which is about a MAGIC LAMP. We usually love playing music, but I asked my kids to put the music on hold so that we could have an appointment with God. Incredibly Julie picked post number 5 from our Purpose Driven Life daily devotional for kids and out of 365 of them, this miraculously showed up in the very one she selected:

“Sometimes we read about magic, like in a story where someone finds a magic shoe or LAMP (Wink! Wink!?”

And there you have it folks, another God wink when everything lines up a little bit too perfect to be coincident. Like what are the chances of us going to watch a movie about a MAGIC LAMP and on the way home a MAGIC LAMP shows up in an appointment with God. This was God’s sweet way of revealing His invisible Presence with us.

What kind of a love is this? Why would He go through the trouble to orchestrate that God wink? He is TOO MUCH!!! And if you’re not experiencing His special winks, start paying attention to those so-called coincidences.

I’ve gone from the point of believing as if God is real to GOD IS REALLY REAL, and I want the world knowing Him personally. The most important relationship we can have is with Him. I was so happy when someone said that they could be more disciplined in spending time alone with God. I seconded that! The more we come to know Him and His ways, the BETTER our lives.

Today is hang out day with my beautiful family from God. I insisted on cooking for hubby so that he could rest, but he instead went out to buy fresh fish that he wants to grill with a special pepper sauce and French fries. To say God has guided my life on a beautiful path is truly an understatement and why I’m upping my game in telling you about the LOVE I’m finding from Him. GOD IS LOVE. That even when others disappoint us, we can quickly forgive. Love is about accepting the imperfections of others. Ain’t nothing perfect, BUT GOD!!! Everything is between God and us, not between us and anyone else!
