My fifteen-year-old, very wise daughter said that both of us should learn a precious lesson: knowing when to speak and when not to!!! But it ain’t easy!I told her, though, I also feel it’s God who is also trying to teach me this. In fact, this even showed up in my appointment with Him today:

“Every effort for Me (God). WHEN YOU HOLD BACK A WORD, when you put on gentle manners, when you do something against your own will, when you humble yourself, when you forget a discourtesy (impolite gesture), when you sacrifice a pleasure to help a neighbour. Everything for me (God).”

Can we all be about doing these things for Him who does so much for us? God, this is super difficult! I want to be rude and crazy, saying and doing whatever I want, when I want!!! But if it pleases You for me to do these things you mentioned, I will do my best with them. Like hubby wants to take us to that restaurant I hated last Sunday, but God, to PLEASE YOU, I will go against my will, and joyously go. (SMILE)

Let me tell you, when you seek to please God He goes out of His way to please you. Wink! Wink!
As I type this, I’m here with my wonderful and great son, Emmie, preparing for some British exams he will take on Monday. We’ve come a long way from me PRAYING for an entire year for God to give me a son to 11 years later and he’s about to enter secondary school. I’m very proud of this young man. God exceeded my expectation when I prayed for him! God, I’m soooo grateful!

And we all have so much to be thankful for! Just to be alive is a blessing! That’s reason enough to wake up every day praising and thanking God and having the discipline to follow His will for our lives. I’m learning to be content in every moment, trying to hold my tongue and go to God asking what He would have me to do. I still get it wrong ALOT, but I’m learning to look at the mistakes with God and hash out where I can improve. Not running from my weaknesses, baby!

Let’s please God today, shall we?!? This is how He leads us on the beautiful paths He has planned out for us! Wink! Wink!