That was me to my friend yesterday ENJOYING a piece of birthday cake at her house. As I sat down at the table to eat alone, I said let me see what God has to say to me through a kids’ devotional there. It was the perfect message, and I shared with my friend why:

In my last post I had written:

“Then, reading through several of my meditation books, the verse that has been my COMFORT through so many challenges kept showing up:

“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13”

The kids’ devotional on her table confirmed this AGAIN, with the very page I randomly opened up to said:

“He (God) is faithful to His promise to help you.”

Earlier, in another appointment with God there with her, I said I want to get her a copy of a new meditation book about conversations between God and a lady who was born in 1874 and how they’re so similar with my conversations with Him. My friend said, “God is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

Fast forward to that night, my daughter, Ember, SURPRISINGLY shows up in our bedroom with our meditation book, Jesus Calling. She wanted to share what she had just read, that incredibly was written as if God was speaking to us and CONFIRMING what my friend had said earlier:

“The One who never leaves you is the same One who never changes: I am the same yesterday, today and forever.” Wink! Wink!

And God unbelievably continued with His message to me through my daughter’s appointment with Him. When she was done with the passage, I asked her for the accompanying Bible verses at the bottom. Look what incredibly showed up:

“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” – Isaiah 41:13” Wink! Wink! AGAIN!

Wow, that was a double God wink in one passage and another LOVE NOTE from God with Him confirming to me that HE NEVER LEAVES ME, and His Presence is ALWAYS with me, including during intimate conversations with my friend. For Ember to show up with this book and this page in my bedroom last night was nothing short of a miracle. God was confirming His Love and promise to help me.

See what I mean by not missing out on what God has planned for me; He had everything all perfectly arranged. Even Ember’s late night appointment with Him! Another miracle! LOL!

This gives me the confidence to relax and trust that I’m never alone; I have God.

“My help comes from the Lord, Maker of Heaven and earth.”



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