That God’s intimately involved in our lives. He proved this quite clearly to a young lady working with us yesterday evening.

This story began yesterday morning when my hubby told me about one staff verbally attacking another staff in our usual Monday morning meeting. When I saw the young lady who did the attacking, I told her that I was very unhappy about what she did and that something like that she should’ve addressed with myself or my husband privately, not in the presence of the entire staff. I gave her my long speech about living lives pleasing to God and treating others how we ourselves would like to be treated.

Fast forward to that evening, the lady who was attacked approached me and said she had a book for me and she’ll bring it in the next day and she left. Twenty minutes later, she came again and shyly asked if she could speak with me if I wasn’t busy. I was working on my book, but I invited her into a restricted area to sit with me. I told her I had heard about what had happened and I was very sorry. I then thought that exactly where I was in working on in my book, is incredibly the same lesson she needed to learn. I asked her to read THE EXACT PARAGRAPH I left off at when she interrupted me:
“This friend I called has been such a blessing to me. The other day I called her complaining that someone doesn’t like me and she even had the best advice then. She said, “So what that they don’t like you?” Again, the perfect words I needed to hear! Everyone doesn’t have to like me, but I plan to continue being my best and most loving self because everything’s between me and God.”

And I asked her, “So what that they don’t like you? Have they removed one strand of hair from your head?” I explained that no matter how hard she tries it’ll be impossible for everyone to like her. I then had her read a paragraph that I had just highlighted in my go to meditation book on my phone:

“For Him (God) and in Him you must love friends AND FOES ALIKE, and pray to Him that all may know and love Him.”

I highlighted this because it’s still a struggle for me, but this is our challenge from God, to love those who hate us and attack us, KNOWING He’s the one to reward us.

“I feel relieved,” she said, amazed how the perfect message from God was on my computer screen waiting for her. If God is for us, who cares who’s against us!

God’s intimately involved in our lives.