I said to someone this week. She showed up in my life earlier this year and we’ve been having some pretty deep conversations. Her partner was caught cheating on her and she sent a message to me, needing someone to talk to.

Honestly, talking to her has helped me! In my years of marriage, I’ve always been this fretful wife, afraid that my husband would leave me for another woman (specifically a younger woman!), but as I encouraged her, I encouraged myself that we’re to keep our eyes fixed on God. To stay on the difficult high road, being the best wives He has called us to be and to leave the rest with Him.

The Nikki that used to check her husband’s phone, doesn’t anymore. I respect his privacy and bottom line, I trust him. But more importantly, I trust God that even if my husband was to leave me tomorrow for this imaginary younger woman, I’m secure in God who has proven since the very first day I was born that He will never leave me or forsake me. My confidence lies with Him!

Every day I just do my part in being the best wife I can possibly be. I see the best in my husband. I can’t be with him 24 hours a day, but when we’re not together, I’m not calling him anymore to check and see where he is because wherever he is and whatever he’s doing is none of my business. I’m so focused on God and I use that opportunity when we’re apart to work on what’s important to me like my book project or spending quality time with God, my kids or close friends.

I’ve surrendered my marriage to God! I’ve let go of trying to control what happens in our relationship. I keep my eyes fixed on God and what He would have me to do from moment to moment, being my most loving and forgiving self and I’M HAPPIER FOR IT!

Here’s the deal:

We’re to keep our eyes focused on God, not this world, worried about nothing and praying about everything. I love what I read in my morning’s appointment with Him:

“God has placed people around us to help us along life’s path and hopefully teach us something about Himself. Though we hold them dear, we should hold them loosely. Our children, spouse, parents, and dearest friends, after all, belong to Him. And none of them were ever meant to fill the space that only He can fill.

Surrender. You’ll discover surprises you would never have known otherwise. And you’ll know Christ (God) better than you ever thought you could.”

Thank You for all the wonderful people you have brought into our lives. Assist us in surrendering those relationships to You, trusting that whatever You want for us is ultimately best for us.