Was me to a friend yesterday, even though she said I’m looking older!  God surprised her with twins and I enjoyed every moment holding them and thanking God it’s her, not me that He surprised!  LOL!  I don’t see this friend too often, but it seems as if every time I do see her, I leave a changed person.  She is very wise and brutally honest and what she told me was really my big miracle of the day! She always gives me a fresh way at looking at my life.  There I was complaining to her about something, something I’ve complained about for years to God, and by the time I left her, I was thanking God for it!  My love, we have to get together more often!

I’m loving all my relationships on a totally different level lately and I’m filled with joy.  Having my appointments with God have made such a difference in that He’s teaching me such important lessons like humility, loving extravagantly, forgiving endlessly, overlooking the faults of others, calming down, focusing on the positives, enjoying every sacred moment, not sweating the small stuff and being grateful for everyone in my life.  My joy of God is spreading to my joy of people!

I love a book I’m reading, ‘The Joy of Intimacy with God,’ by Dr. Bill Bright.  He wrote:

“If you are struggling with relationships in your family, in your workplace, or in your established friendships, the first place you should check is how you’re getting along with God. As you remain in Him with every part of your being, you are fully dependent upon Him… Your relationships become richer. Your work becomes more excellent.”

So true!  My relationships have become richer and I caught myself smiling at work this week, totally thrilled to be there working with God as my Partner. Seeking His advice on what to do from moment to moment, brought excitement to even my most boring work that I hate doing. Ideas flowed as to what He would have me to do. I enjoy the people I work with and I try to encourage a happy work environment, where we give our best, working for God, not man!

God, I’m grateful!