I’m in love with these Bible verses:

“Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

One of the comments I received back from my book publisher is that I write “A LOT” about the importance of pausing before making any decision. Honestly, if you only take one thing from my posts, this would be it: Pause and listen for God’s input in everything you do, everything you say and everywhere you go, because He guides you on the path to the best life with Him. My life has become a wonderful adventure and I’m having the most enjoyable conversation with God. In the 1,000 decisions I make every day, I run to Him for His input and I make great decisions. When I say God, I don’t want to hear from you on this matter, this is when crazy lady shows up!

And I’m beginning to know His voice so clearly now that it’s becoming like instincts and automatically I know what God would have me to do. The lesson lately from Him has been to practice genuine love, not pretend love. If anyone has anything against me, honestly it’s their issue to deal with because I’m going to be my most genuinely loving self with them. Going into any conversation with anyone from the standpoint of genuine love for the person has made me so much happier! Everything is between me and God, not between me and anyone else! I’ve learned that no one is perfect and just how I turn into crazy lady when I’m not my most loving self, so does everyone else. We’re all insane when we do not love genuinely.

“I will listen to what God the Lord says; he promises peace to his people…” (Psalm 85:8)

I’ve made the best decisions from listening to God and that’s mostly trusting my internal guidance, a deep knowing inside of me that I’ve learned is God’s voice. When I follow this leading, God takes me on magnificent paths with Him, but, boy oh boy, when I go against His directions, it ain’t pretty!

“In all your ways acknowledge Him…”