DO I USE GOD AS A WAY OF COPING WITH MY TERRIBLE LIFE? (REPOST)  I share my ups, downs, disappointments, frustrations, joyful and happy times, problems and proud moments, stresses and anxieties, weak, strong, brave and courageous moments to hopefully portray the fact that I’m going through this human experience just like everyone else, where …

“NOT EVERYONE IS AS STRONG AS YOU, MS. NIKKI” That was from my sweetie daughter, Julie, yesterday. I used the conversation as an opportunity to share with her some of my weaknesses (mostly depressing and negative thinking) and how I’ve found that I must be a very regimented person to tackle them. I’m talking appointments …

“GOD LOVES ME TOO TOO MUCH!!!” That was me bragging to my husband this morning after a day where God showed His invisible Presence with me THE ENTIRE DAY yesterday! Here’s how those God winks went down: The day before yesterday, I entered our showroom, and there was a couple there buying a car. I …

“WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME?” I questioned my daughters yesterday after they called, asking if they could go for a run in a nearby park. I wasn’t expecting this response (I paraphrase here): “Mom, you were the one who kept saying, “Let’s do hard things!” You’re so brave. You’re fearless! We see you running through …

“I’M GOING ON STRIKE FROM DISAPPOINTMENTS!” That’s where I am at this very moment! I had the perfect appointment with God reading just this paragraph from my book: “Dr. Wayne Dyer, in his book, The Power of Intention, wrote, “That which offends you only weakens you. If you’re looking for occasions to be offended, you’ll …

“JUST CALLING TO CHECK IN WITH MY QUARANTINE BUDDY” That was me to my sister-in-law, Verona, yesterday. My brother, Kevin, had surprisingly called my husband very early that morning, and I thought to check in with Verona a few hours later. I was so thrilled that I did! I don’t know if you guys remember …