Like this week, I called a friend all the way in the Bahamas from Nigeria about a frustrating situation that seems to never want to go away. We’ve playfully referred to this as our “WEEDS.” “The weeds are back!” I complained to her. No matter how many times we think we have the “WEEDS” handled, some more pop up! To the point that we’ve just agreed to turn the entire matter over to God because it’s just too much for us to handle without Him! God is BIGGER!!!

Fast forward a few hours, God lets me know that He was in on our conversation, and He had this to add:

“You turn over the soil and bury the WEEDS.” Wink! Wink!

And this was the perfect message for the crazy lady that day because I have so much soil (blessings, excellent things to think about) in my life that I can literally turn over the soil and quickly bury those weeds. God has guided my life on such a beautiful path that I have no right to complain about anything – including the weeds.

I loved another message from God some years ago about this same weed matter:

“Don’t let the weeds overshadow the wheat.”

We live in a broken world where, unfortunately, there are WEEDS EVERYWHERE, but we must not let it dim all the good. With our eyes fixed on God, we must continue to be the superhero wives, husbands, parents, and people He is calling us to be, committed to LOVE AND LOYALTY no matter what is going on around us.

“Who is full of compassion like the Lord? The Lord cast our failures in the deepest sea and they will not remember you.” I believe this is where He is calling us to be with ourselves and loved ones. Sometimes you have to just to swallow some BITTER things, move on, and focus on being happy and full of hope. Yes, Father. I’m in! LOVE WINS.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.”