He has this way of making me feel so loved. I woke up feeling a little REJECTED, and He spoke to me through my meditation book, He and I:

“… even if all the affections of your heart were to fade away and you found yourself alone and misunderstood by everyone, I should still be your treasure, your goal, your incomparable friend, your beginning and your end. SO DON’T BE UPSET BY ANYTHING. Once and for all, place your heart in Mine, in joy as in distress.”

That was the perfect message at that moment!

Then, my daughter, Julie, pushed me to go for a run and the first song to play was, Love on Me, which has great history between me and God from a couple of years ago:

“This God wink began yesterday morning when I had an appointment with Him reading an old post entitled, ‘NIK, I WON’T LET YOU DOWN.’ To be very honest, the God maniac here was a bit anxious going into that alone time with Him, wondering if He was going to remember to help me with a certain challenge I have, and that post was exactly the reminder I needed; I got my high five from God: ‘NIK, I WON’T LET YOU DOWN.’

Fast forward later that day, we’re at the mall shopping when I saw a beautiful dress in a store I liked for my friend. I persuaded her to get it, and because she had to run to another store she wanted to give me the money to pay for the dress for her, but this friend, who is like more than ten great friends in one, I refused her money, and I went in line to pay for it. As I’m standing there waiting, I’m listening to the lyrics of the song playing in the background, and they astonishingly say:

“Girl put your love on Me
I WON’T LET YOU DOWN” – Love On Me by Galantis & Hook N Sling

Wink! Wink! The happiest, most blissful feeling came over me! I knew without a doubt this was God singing to me, again, saying that HE WON’T LET ME DOWN! Reading that old post that morning with the exact words in that song, out of the thousands of posts I’ve ever written, as my only appointment with God that day, and for that song, of all songs, to play for the few minutes I stood there in that line, was once again everything lining up STRANGELY a little bit too perfectly to be a coincident; it was another love song from God reminding me that I CAN trust Him.”

God has never let me down!!! Even my bad, He uses for my good, especially to bring me closer to Him. I want us with our eyes strictly on God; He’s our greatest friend. No matter the trials and tribulations that come our way, I want us NEVER LETTING GO OF GOD’S HANDS. My number one goal for the rest of this year is to get even closer than ever to Him. Even if I’m misunderstood and rejected by the entire world, I know I’m INFINITELY love by God. And that’s enough!
