My housekeeper, Joy, that is. Unfortunately, we MUST hold everyone in our lives with OPEN HANDS because no one will be with us forever. WE CAN BE SURE OF GOD, but when it comes to other people, that’s a different matter altogether, let me tell ya.

But Joy has left me with lots of lessons. Like she was EXTREMELY HARDWORKING, and she’s a big reason why I’ve decided to leave my comfort (lazy) zone. I’m inspired! Emmie, my son, gave me a running goal of 100 minutes for today, and I did it! I’m honestly tired of living a mediocre life where I maybe give like 40% effort. I seriously MUST up my game if I’m going to give God more than He expects from me. Joy came to work every day giving her best, and, LOTS OF TIMES, I was the one telling her not to work so hard and to finish up another day, but she would always insist on going full force! I will miss you, my Joy!

She worked as if God was her Boss! And that’s where I want us, keeping our eyes fixed on God and what HE would have us to do, moment by moment. Not looking to anyone else for approval or recognition, but merely looking within ourselves and at God and HIS high values. Remember, God and Heaven are our audiences, and they’re always watching. When we give our best, trust me, God gives us HIS VERY BEST! WinK! Wink! Today, I’m taking another sucker punch, but I know my reward is with Him! He has blessed my life so much that now I run to do whatever is pleasing to Him. God, what would make You happy here?

But despite my lack of push, I’m still proud of the Nikki I’ve been, the Nikki I am now, and the Nikki I will strive to be in the future. Ain’t nobody perfect! When you know better, hopefully, you do better. So, no beating myself up over past mistakes and failures. And no judging anyone else, either. Everyone has their race to run. I so love the story of the adulterer when Jesus asked that whoever was without sin should cast the first stone. Everyone walked away without stoning her. Really, who are we to judge anyone? The only person we should be hard on is ourselves, working on constant and never-ending improvement, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY. Gentle on others but extremely hard on ourselves!

However, I must tell you how I love my Fierce Babes Club with my two daughters and myself. We’ve committed to helping each other accomplish our goals, like a team training for the Olympics. On Sunday, we met to discuss long term and weekly targets. We’ve also agreed to keep ourselves accountable to excellent standards, even in regards to what we eat, correcting each other whenever necessary. Ember fell off the wagon yesterday in regards to something she promised herself to do, but today I told her I would sit with her so that she makes it happen like real teammates. Discipline, my boo!

“We should never forget, you and I, that everything we do badly should be done well and everything we do well can be done better; and if we’re to go in that direction, we need not only good-will, for our part, but also helpful criticism from others.” – Jesus As Friend by Salvatore Canals
