That was me to my husband yesterday morning after he finished a call. Fast forward like twenty minutes later, God used that very statement from me to let us know that His invisible Presence was there with us. I was praying to Him in my spirit, asking which book I should read to hubby for an appointment with God. I landed on a book called God’s Promises, filled with Bible verses, and the very chapter I picked incredibly included this:

“The LORD is my light and the one who saves me. I FEAR NO ONE (Wink! Wink!) The LORD protects my life; I am afraid of no one.”

Of all the books for me to choose, of all the chapters, God had my very words “FEAR NO ONE” planted there just to let me and hubby know that He was with us! That was no coincidence, but all tenderly and lovingly planned out by God to brighten our day and give us the peace, comfort, joy, and courage to know that we are not tackling our lives alone. He often tells me that I should let Him be the meaning of my composure! OUR HELP COMES FROM GOD, BABY!

Are you learning God’s voice? The other day, I was debating where to get some critical work done and ended up in our bedroom. As I’m there, a new friend, Vicky, called. I felt God in my spirit, taking my attention to a box of tissues next to my laptop saying, “Vicki: Extra Soft.” Believe it or not, this was God telling me He wanted me to practice being extra soft: loving, merciful, gentle, patient, kind, supportive, and compassionate. His sheep know His voice!

Right before that call, though, I spoke to my daughter, Julie, and she was having a rough moment, so I asked if we could have an appointment with God together. We read a recent post from Ceri about being strong and how God commands us to be strong. I explained to her how we have to look to God in every moment, every circumstance, and every decision, looking at everything from His perspective and not being blown away by every little challenge that comes our way. Julie said it was just how her brain worked, but I told her she has to change her thoughts of knowing our God is with us and for us! Instead of worrying and stressing, we can trust God to do what we can’t do by working on our behalf in the spiritual realm.

Got that? All day, every day, let’s start looking at everything from God’s perspective. That means spending time alone with Him to learn His voice by reading or listening to anything spiritual that brings you closer to Him. Like when He told me what book to read to hubby for that alone time with Him, I felt Him in my spirit directing me. When He again drew my attention to that tissue box, I knew it was Him saying, ‘Nik, this is where I want you right now – EXTRA SOFT!’ And I can say, ‘OK, Boss, I got you!’

I loved a conversation with my brother, Kevin, yesterday when he said this about how being this extra soft and extra loving person may be interpreted:

“Some say stupidly. Some say unconditionally. Some say nicely. Some say foolishly. Whatever word you want to use with it, you use it. And it ain’t about what some say; it’s what makes you feel good about what you do.”

I wrote back, “Being obedient to God is what I do. May His will be done with my life.” He then responded, “Just call it being obedient to God.” And for this God who is doing 10,000 things for me in one second, giving me more than I can ever ask or imagine (HIS WAYS ARE ALWAYS BEST!!!), it’s my honor to live a life trying to be obedient to Him. Even when it’s HARD because He more than makes up for the little stresses and trials He asks me to endure for Him! We all have our crosses, but we can carry them joyfully, knowing God helps us to carry them. When our human strength fails, we can tap into God’s Divine strength to keep going. Amen!