That’s the verse from John 16:20 I read in an appointment with God recently AND what I’ve personally experienced with Him. Let me tell ya, GOD USES EVERYTHING FOR OUR GOOD!!! Romans 8:28 has been my special wink from Him lately that says this:

“We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him.They are the people he called, because that was his plan.”

Crazy God lady here would even takes screenshots on my phone when the time is 8:28 only to remind myself that God has a plan to use EVERYTHING for my good. Even my little spiritual guy, Joshie, is in on this with me, alerting me to when it’s 8:28. One day, after we had a streak of being together at that time every night, I screamed down at him, “Joshie where are you?” I rushed to look for him to show him that it was 8:28. He said, “Mommy, you scared me!” LOL

So, yesterday in going back to our workshop where we repair cars, I took this sticker on a customer’s car as a special wink from God:


I claim it for us all!!! God can use any situation for our good when we stick with Him and allow Him to be the GUIDE of our lives. I’m talking EVERY SECOND, EVERY MOMENT, asking God to conform us to His will and what HE would have us to do.

I went all crazy yesterday with some stern words from hubby, but after listening to my God influencer, Ceri, for a few minutes, I asked myself, ‘How can I respond to this in a Godly fashion?’ I called hubby asking, “What would our king like to have for dinner tonight?” and “How much does this wife love you?” This morning I woke up thanking him for everything he does for our family (he works extremely hard!) and that I’m sticking with him and God.” No regrets, my boo!

Devon Franklin taught me that the righteous WILL fall seven times, but we will get back up eight! So the queen of falls here (me!) has learned to give everyone the space to fall and get back up. See how God uses Romans 8:28? Because of all my falls, I can allow others to fall, giving them the space and the grace to get back up, loving everyone unconditionally the way God loves us. He says He holds our sins and transgressions as far from us as the east is from the west. WE MUST DO THE SAME FOR OTHERS AND OURSELVES.

Every moment this year, I want us to practice the discipline of looking to God and asking His will to be done. And that’s how He turns our sorrows into joy when we look at everything from the ALMIGHTY GOD PERSPECTIVE, following what HE WOULD HAVE US TO DO. AMEN!

I have to run because I have some critical work to complete, but even with that, I know: MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD, THE MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR HIM.