That was me yesterday reading this from an old post I had shared two years ago:

“Like I was telling this person yesterday, my wilderness experience showed me there were too many things getting between me and God from my natural hair fixation, my weight frustrations, constant Facebook check-ins, obsessing over how to control other people and situations, negative thinking, and constant worrying, just to name a few! LOL!”

Wow, I was pretty messed up FOR REAL! But by God’s grace He has helped me tackle all those demons:

THE NATURAL HAIR FIXATION: My daughter, Julie, asked after I was taking too long to do my hair, “Mom, are you really going to spend another year focused on your hair?” Since then, I put the hair thing in proper perspective. It should take me no longer than 10 minutes every day for my hair. And the Sunday all day wash day has been drastically reduced to a couple of hours. Woohoo! What God thinks of me is far more important than how others perceive me appearance wise.

MY WEIGHT FRUSTRATIONS: Watching my daughter, Ember (in the picture), keep her weight so under control, I figured out that she only eats one cooked BIG meal a day and I joined her bandwagon. All day I eat raw fruits and veggies and every night is date night with hubby as we enjoy our Nigerian food cooked with lots of vegetables purchased from local farmers. Julie and I have also given up meat and chicken and honestly, I’ve stopped weighing myself. The Nik who was constantly frustrated about her weight is GONE!!! God, thank You!!!

CONSTANT FACEBOOK CHECK-INS: Allowed only on my computer and not on my phone. Instead, my phone is to read books, listen to inspirational messages and to GET CLOSER TO GOD. I’m loving He and I by Gabrielle Bossis right now and me and the girls have agreed to read Michelle Obama’s book becoming together.

OBSESSING OVER HOW TO CONTROL OTHER PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS: I said to hubby yesterday, “I’ve freed you to your life. Whatever you do is between you and God.” When I’m with him, I enjoy him; When I’m not with him, I enjoy whomever I’m with. And because God is ALWAYS with me, there is never a dull moment in my life. I’m SUPER HAPPY HERE!!!

NEGATIVE THINKING: As for me, my hope and faith is in God. I think of the best, I work towards the best, I think the best and I expect the best knowing God is on my side. I live life resting on His heart where He carries the heavy parts of everything concerning me.

CONSTANT WORRYING: I gots no time for that! I’m too busy enjoying my life and TRUSTING GOD.

HAVE YOU GIVEN YOUR HEART TO GOD? This is the best life with Him, I’m telling you! But please don’t take my word for it, get to know Him for yourself! Just say this prayer with me, “God, I want a closer walk with You. Amen.” Then make Him a priority by having some alone times with Him every day reading anything spiritual that feeds your soul. He speaks to each of us differently. Don’t miss out!