The way He has been showing up for me, showing up for me, and showing up for me, baby! I’m completely blown away by all His love and attention (HUGE SMILE). The love and attention I want you feeling for yourselves, knowing that never for one second are we without His invisible Presence accompanying us through the ups and downs of life. HEEHAW!!!
Like yesterday, I was walking/jogging to my God tree. I called my baby sister, Juanita, to pass on the advice from God and my big brother, Kevin, to learn to control my emotions, stay cool and calm, and respond wisely to situations. This is a weak area for me, and I want her to learn to work on this discipline. I love being a big sister! Fast forward about 5 minutes, I get to my God tree, and because it was 14 minutes past the hour, I went to page 14 of our family’s website and look what incredibly showed up:
““The LORD will fight for you, AND YOU ONLY HAVE TO BE SILENT.” – Exodus 14:14
God has been teaching your girl here all about keeping silent and venting to Him. That I should hide all my ugliness in His heart (it’s a hospital). SUPER TOUGH when the crazy lady wants to come out, but that’s where the praying all day every day comes in. GOD TEACHES ME TO CONTROL MY EMOTIONS (Wink! Wink!), put on a poker face when necessary, and be wiser in making decisions. Smile. Be calm. Loving. Patient. Forgiving. Self-controlled. Peaceful. Brave. And good. Knowing that he is in the background of our lives fighting battles on our behalf once we do this.”
This lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence! It was God reminding me that He is involved in every conversation, thought, and moment of my life. And the winks didn’t stop there!
Joshie and I met a beautiful young lady, Johanna, yesterday at our community’s clubhouse. I told her that the foundation of my life is based on a poem by Mother Teresa, that in the final analysis, everything is between God and us, not between us and anyone else. Fast forward to me going home and having to work until late last night getting our home cleaned and clothes washed, I went to bed tired but said let me see what God had to say to me at 56 minutes past the hour on page 56 of our website. Look what astonishingly showed up:
“… I was so happy that these things were said because it taught me not to look to other humans for my approval because you could be your best, and that best may never be good enough for other people. I looked up the Mother Teresa poem, ‘Do Good Anyway’ and had Joshie read just first and last parts, explaining that this is the basis for my decision making:
“People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway…
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.””
Then, this morning, I woke up to an appointment with God where I shared how my hubby and I were up at 2 am watching the Vice-Presidential debate from Nigeria with our daughter, Julie, in the US. When Julie woke up today, I told her about the appointment with God and that I would do my best to make the wisest decisions to help her get to university in New York with her sister. Momma needs to check her emotions and keep silent! God help me!
I go to my God tree about an hour later, I said let me go with the day’s date of 17 to see what page 17 had to say, and look what showed up there:
“Especially after watching the Vice-Presidential debate from Nigeria at 2 am with my daughter, Julie, watching it in the US. My husband came down and joined us later into it. We ended up calling Julie together, and I was reminded that I’m to keep my eyes on the prize – God’s plan for my family. I MUST ignore the distractions that want to pop up and take me off my groove. Like someone correctly advised me, sometimes you must say, “Forget you and the horse you rode in on!!!” To get anywhere in this life we must become PROFESSIONAL IGNORERS, (kindly and respectfully, of course), otherwise we waste time fighting useless and unnecessary battles. My eyes are on the prize, baby!”
It was a REPOST of the post I had read earlier! See why I’m feeling so close to God! And I can go on and on with more stories, but I want you getting close to Him for yourself. His invisible Presence is always with us. It’s just for us to tap into His voice and learn the different ways of His communications. Let me tell ya, He is pretty talkative!!! (ANOTHER SMILE)