This story began on Monday when our customer/friend, Mike, called to resolve an issue that I needed to help him rectify. After speaking to the bank together, I discussed my son Joshie’s bad grades with him. He honestly gave me some good advice about being the example for my kids to follow, and maybe also sensing I wasn’t in a good place, he said, “I want you always to buy FRESH ROSES and keep them in your house as a reminder of what a beautiful life you have.”

Fast forward to Wednesday morning, my niece, Toluwa shows up at our house. Julie called me to come because she had bought something for me. It was a gorgeous bouquet of FRESH ROSES (Wink! Wink!)! This lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence! I couldn’t believe it, and I asked her, “Why did you buy me roses?” She replied, “I don’t know!” Well, I know! It was all God behind the scenes of my life having Toluwa to bring me fresh roses, not only to remind me of my beautiful life like Mike said but His deep love and commitment to me. (HUGE SMILE)

Like that bathroom cleaner I purchased on Sunday. I only bought it because it said, “Brand New Day” on it. The next day, going to God and venting about Joshie’s grades, this post showed up from some years ago where I was again beating myself up about another issue (God, help me!):


I loved reading this in an appointment with God yesterday with my daughter, Ember. We were taking a break from organizing inventory at our office. This was also a reminder to include me in that fresh start. I was beating up myself all that day that our stock had gotten to such a disorganized state, and I was unaware of it. Quite frankly, in looking back, I was thinking about the wrong things. The worries, insecurities, frustrations, disappointments, sadness, and fears had gotten the best of me. BUT TODAY IS A NEW DAY (Wink! Wink!)…”

Sadly, these are still the issues your girl struggle with, but God had a message for me through Joel Osteen yesterday under our God tree together:

“God was saying to them (Israelites), “THIS IS A NEW DAY (Wink! Wink!). You are not going to continually struggle. You are not going to live defeated. I’m not only going to remove the burden, I’m going to destroy the yoke. From that day forward, they stepped into a new level of their destiny. What they used to struggle with, was not a struggle anymore. That constant pressure to overcome enemies was lifted off of them. God gave them favor to conquer opponents that were much bigger and more powerful. God is saying the same thing to us: “You’ve struggled long enough. You’ve dealt with that addiction long enough. You’ve been dogged by those family problems long enough. I am going to take away that burden. I’m not only going to remove the yoke, I’m going to destroy the yoke.”

Amen! I claim it for all of us! Let me tell ya, throughout the entire sermon, Joel kept saying, “It’s a new day!” and I knew this was a message from God Himself (no coincidence!). What burdens have you carried for too long, let’s give them to God! He is our wonderful burden carrier, and there is nothing too difficult for Him! Whenever my life gets too heavy, I know that I’m taking on too much of the load and not trusting God to help me carry them. He asked us to come to Him all who are heavy laden and burden, and He will give us rest. What do you need Him to remove from your shoulders? He is there for us. Give Him a try!