That’s my new perspective, baby, after FALLING A LOT RECENTLY. Your girl is back, focused more than ever on being the wife, mother, and person God HIMSELF would have me to be. This is another example of the sweet life with God. That even in our weaknesses, failings, setbacks, and mistakes, we can use them to help us bounce back even better, wiser, stronger, and happier than ever before. Heehaw! God kept saying to me in my low moments through my alone times with Him, ‘Nik, even when you feel good for nothing, give me your nothing. Didn’t I create the world from nothing?’

What kind of love is this? A love that I want you to get to know for yourself. He is with us in our high moments AND our extremely low ones. HE IS WITH US ALWAYS. He honestly makes me feel as if I’m His favorite girl in the entire world with the love and attention I receive from Him.

Like the other day, dropping Julie off at a friend’s house, I decided to stay in the car to have an appointment with God. It was 54 minutes past the hour, so I decided to go to page 54, and God used this old post there to let me know that HE WAS IN THE CAR WITH ME:

“He (God) figured out a way to let me know that His Presence was INDEED with us IN THAT CAR. Fast forward a few hours, I’m in bed trying to sleep. But because my body clock still has not adjusted to the Nigerian time zone, I couldn’t. I then decided to listen to Rich Roll’s podcast, but for some reason it refused to play. I then go to listen to Bel Air’s Church’s, and boom, it surprisingly worked. However, the one that played, I ended up changing to play another episode. Listen to what the Pastor unbelievably says a couple of minutes into that other sermon: “We CAN imagine that God is in the same room OR THE SAME CAR WITH US…” Wink! Wink!

Sitting in that car and reading that was God coming to me in one of my low moments. I immediately felt so much stronger, feeling God’s sweet Presence with me. Later on, that afternoon, having another low moment, He showed up again. I had just helped a customer get insurance on a vehicle she was purchasing from us, and the payment worked out to $311 per month for two cars. Maybe 15 to 20 minutes later, I’m on the phone with my husband, turning into the crazy lady. I looked up exactly from where I was standing talking to him, when God had me to look up at a price per gallon of gasoline directly in front of me saying $3.11. This lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence.  I knew this was God’s way of saying, ‘NIKKI, STOP!!!!’ I instantaneously smiled with God, knowing this was His way of reminding me to be SILENT. The battles belong to Him! Wink! Wink! I caught myself and quickly apologized to hubby for getting crazy on him.

Speaking to hubby today, though, I told him I’m going with my brother’s advice: “Neeks, enjoy your gorgeous life. You have a husband who takes great care of you and your children. He respects you. What more can you ask for?” Like Victoria Osteen taught me, I MUST GET GOOD AT COVERING THE OFFENSES OF OTHERS. Ain’t nothing perfect! And with God showing me such love, I have such GREAT FAITH that no matter what happens, God HIMSELF will always be there for me, even when others disappoint me. My security rests in God!

My eyes are now on God and the prize He has in store for my life, even when walking through painful situations. Moment by moment, I ask God to help me to be the wise, strong, calm, loving, steady, loyal, self-controlled wife, mother, and person He would have me to be. I follow His leading, seeking His advice ultimately. God gives us more than we can ask or imagine when we stick with Him! We keep going, guys, all for the glory of God. Love never gives up.

“Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.” – Proverbs 3:3