That was me this morning after listening to a conversation between Devon Franklin and Lewis Howes on YouTube. They pinpointed so many areas where your girl has been getting it seriously wrong. LIKE I’M SO INSECURE!!! Feeling that if I don’t have my husband’s full attention and love, my entire life will fall apart. But this conversation reminded me that our security and love should rest in God only, not in other people. With the love that we receive from God, we’re to share it with others, not try to suck like vampires every drop of their love. HUGE WAKE-UP CALL FOR YOUR GIRL HERE!!!

I then go for my appointment with God on our family’s website, and because it’s August 11th, I go to page 11 and look what showed up:

“PATIENCE AND PRAYER – In areas that I’m not 100% happy within my marriage, I practice patience, and I pray asking God for help. SOMETIMES, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, IT’S ME WHO GOD HAS TO CHANGE (Wink! Wink!), NOT MY HUBBY. God gives me the wisdom to look at things from another perspective.”

God is pretty talkative! Yes, Nik, IT IS YOU WHO HAS TO CHANGE!!! It was God who put it in my spirit to relisten to this Devon Franklin interview, and I’m so grateful. I look too much to my husband for love, security, happiness, and fulfillment, which is not his job. That’s work that I need to do for myself, not looking to anyone else to provide these things for me.

The time we spend chasing others should be spent seeking God and what He would have us do. That’s the only place we will find true love and fulfillment. Time and energies are limited, and if we’re not careful, we spend them choosing the wrong battles. God told me recently that I should find joy in serving Him. For me, that means showing up as the best mom guiding and helping my children to become all that God has created them to be. To be the loyal wife, loving and supporting my husband to live his best life with God. And to be the best person I can possibly be. I loved a God wink yesterday on a passing truck with one word from Him: “SHINE.” May we all SHINE BRIGHT through reflecting God’s love and light in all the dark places in the world. Amen.