That was the conversation question that my recent high school graduate, Ember, asked at our celebration lunch at our fav Cheesecake Factory. I told them that I’m living it! And I wouldn’t change anything. I love my life! She and her sister, Julie, said they didn’t believe me, that there must be something I would change. I again replied, “Nothing! I love my life exactly the way it is! It isn’t perfect, but God has been very good to us.” Fast forward a few hours later, we’re talking to their dad in Nigeria, and we asked him the same question, “What is your ideal life?” I was so happy when he responded precisely what I had said, “I’m living it!”

That’s why it is my honor to share our testimony of a family rolling with God. We go through our share of challenges, celebrations, defeats, victories, good times, hard times, ups, and downs, but through them all we see the hands of a God who is extremely faithful. We know without any doubt that He is at work in the spiritual realm on our behalf. This verse has seen us through many battles:

“So don’t worry, because I am with you.

Don’t be afraid, because I am your God.

I will make you strong and will help you;

I will support you with my right hand that saves you.” – Isaiah 41:10

Let me tell ya, God sticks with His promises to help us! He surprises me with how He sends help that we can be strong, confident, joyful, and peaceful, knowing He is with us in every moment of every day. Today, I was back running under my 47 trees in Florida, where I spend time with God, seeking His wisdom, clarity, and perspective on whatever is on my mind. With so much on my plate to tackle, I’m going with the mindset that with God I can tackle any set of intimidating situations! He stands with us and He is on our side. I love this word “Synergy” that shows up at many gas stations here. I’m reminded of a God wink where God said to me that His strength and my weakness are a perfect synergy (alliance, union, team). When I am weak, God is my strength! Heehaw!

I want us to make our entire lives a worship offering to God, seeking to be our best selves, all for His glory. He told me on the flight here that I should even offer every gesture for Him. I didn’t get it until I was so exhausted the following day, and I asked my daughter, Julie, to please help me ask my sons what they wanted for dinner. She came back to say that they went to my sister-in-law, Aima’s house, to pick up dinner. She prepared so much food to send over to us that we even had enough for the following day and still some. I told Aima it was like God Himself sent that food to us. I was so grateful. That gesture from Aima was taken as a gesture from God because He knew how tired I was. Let’s all be God’s angels out there!

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31