Yesterday in listening to Rob Bell’s weekly podcast on iTunes.com, he spoke about offering certain moments of our lives as sacrifices to God, such as a marriage of many years that didn’t work out, and that totally blew the God maniac away!  I was left so inspired that I said I want my entire life to be a sacrifice to God, every sacred moment of it!  Whether I’m writing these posts and posting them, whether I’m at work and assisting my husband, whether I’m helping someone in need, whether I’m getting water for my son Joshie at 2 am in the morning, all of it will be my sacrifice to God to be the best wife, mother and person I can be for Him.  I therefore need nothing in return from anyone, including their thanks or praise.  Wow, I’m free!  Everything is really between me and God!


I joked with someone yesterday on something I’m doing for God and that when I’m finished with it, God and I will be even because of the stress I’m going through!  But, it’s impossible for me to ever be even with God who does more for me in one minute than I can count: Every breathe, every heartbeat, being able to sit and type this, our baby, Joshie, turning 5 today and much, much more!


My 11 year old daughter, Jujupooh, joined me in an appointment with God this week and the selection she picked was spot on for me in that moment.  Someone asked me for help and I thought about the reasons why I shouldn’t until Julie read the following from my meditation book, ‘A Year of Miracles’ by Marianne Williamson:


“My doubt, fear, negativity, and judgment have destructive power.  My faith, love, positivity, and blessing have miraculous power.  I will use my power wisely today.


Sometimes it’s just and encouraging word, a tender touch, or a friendly smile that can bring hope to someone’s heart.  Such moments represent God’s love on earth.  I will be His representative today, as I try my best to bring hope to any circumstance.


Wherever I go may there be more love and peace because I’m there.  May my mind be ever alert to ways I can ease the path for someone.  Dear God, please save me from a life lived only for myself.”


And from a beautiful calendar from a beautiful friend:


“Blessed are you if you can live each day in such a way that you can say at its close, “I have done the best I could today for both God and man.”