I had a lot going on between cooking, cleaning, studying with my sons, and wanting to do a quick run up and down our stairs. Just as I started the jog, hubs wanted to talk with me while he ate breakfast. I really wanted to continue my exercise, but with one glimpse at God, I knew what He would have me to do, ‘Nik, go and be with your husband.’ We talked about a specific Mercedes model, and like five minutes later, to get my sons to go and study independently without me, I gave them my phone as their personal hotspots. Instead of studying, though, they started playing music! Unbelievably, the very song they went to play, one that wasn’t even in my library, mentioned the very Mercedes hubby and I were discussing. When I heard it, I couldn’t believe it, so I ran to get the phone, and I looked at the lyrics, and incredibly it was the EXACT car to a tee that we were JUST discussing.

There was no way this was some ordinary, random coincidence!  It was too perfect an alignment! Of all songs in the world for my sons to play, for them to pick that one with the particular car model we were discussing minutes prior, was all orchestrated by God HIMSELF. HE IS IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! Wink! Wink! This was His way of letting us know that His invisible Presence was with us. On Valentine’s day of all days, He comes through to show His deep love for our family. Woohoo!!!

And these glimpses of His Presence are what give me the confidence to face my life bravely, courageously, boldly, lovingly, joyfully, and filled with such hope and optimism about the future.

To be very honest with you guys, I was so upset at my husband, but I wasn’t telling him how I was feeling. God has been teaching me to say everything to Him, but to others I should learn to be silent. But God showing up like that with such love for my family and me was my reminder to stay on the high road with Him. Honestly, God exceeds my expectations in every aspect of my life, and I try my best to honor Him with everything I do – NOT ALWAYS EASY. Especially when I want to turn into the crazy lady! But again, one look at God, I knew He would have me to be the best wife, mom, and person, loving extravagantly and forgiving endlessly. Who am I to withhold forgiveness from anyone when I mess up constantly? More loving, less judging!

Today I was back being the loyal wife married to the best husband in the world. Like my brother Kevin taught me, ‘Either you’re in or you’re out. If you’re in, make up your mind to be happy!’ K, I’m all about enjoying my gorgeous life with God who NEVER disappoints! Let’s all be patient and make allowances for the weaknesses of others AND OURSELVES. The battles belong to the LORD! Wink! Wink!