“You’re happy when your kids get detention!” Yup! That’s me! Emmie got Saturday detention today, and I was thrilled about it! I want them to learn that their actions have consequences, and sometimes, unfortunately, you learn best the hard way. I explained to Emmie that our failures and mistakes can teach us far more than our successes, though, if we learn from them and improve. That’s certainly been my experience! I’m grateful for the corrections from the universe on how I can be better. Woohoo!

God corrects those He loves, is my belief! So many times I fall and I go running to Him, and I find such love and approval, with His arms WIDE OPEN to receive me, just saying, ‘It’s Ok Nik, just do better next time.’ That’s why I was so happy last night going to sleep after a conversation with someone I’ve been fighting with for the past few days. He said to me, “Nikki, I used to think of God as someone who was just set on punishing us, but you taught me that God is love.”

God is love, and He shows me such unbelievable love, attention, and approval. Like after arguing with him an entire day, I sent him a text at exactly 1:14 am saying, “Let’s work smarter, not harder.” I went to bed extremely angry and frustrated, though. And I woke up still feeling upset in my appointment with God the next morning. For that time with Him, I felt God nudging me in my spirit to read my book, ‘Keep Calm, You’re Rolling with God,’ a compilation of 366 of my old blog posts. In this very big book, I opened directly to one that said this:

“With God, WE CAN WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER (Wink! Wink!).”

For the words of my text message to show up on the very page I had just randomly opened to, in a book of over 140,000 words, believe it or not, was God’s way of letting me know that His invisible Presence was with me at that very moment AND HE WAS ON THE CASE TO HELP ME WITH THE MATTER THAT WAS BOTHERING ME. That STRONG FEELING to read specifically my book, was HIM, let me tell ya! Like He was wrapping His arms around me and comforting me in my distress. What kind of love is this?

So, God is not mad at you, either. More like MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU! And we really can work smarter, when we know we have access to God as our life Partner and Guide. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting Him involved in ALL my decisions, as I live my BLESSED life with Him. Heehaw!!!