I took these words from Devon Franklin as  God having some fun with me reading his book, The Truth About Men. This was after I said, maybe an hour or so before, I had asked, ‘GOD, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!’ For my very words to show up there, was my little wink from Him that He incredibly knows every thought I think, He is familiar with all my ways, and His invisible Presence is always with me.

Devon has been my example of a Rockstar for God, so, to read these words from him after my complaints to God about some areas where I get it wrong, just reminded me that WE ALL HAVE OUR STRUGGLES. And that we need to go easier on others AND OURSELVES. We all got demons we’re fighting!

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

That’s why I so love and respect my brother, Kevin, who kept telling me last year, ‘Neeks, you’re just going to have to be patient right now.’ Let me tell ya, that patience has paid off! STAYING ON THE HIGH ROAD WITH GOD IS WHERE WE ALL NEED TO BE AT ALL TIMES. Between God, Kevin and Devon, they were my guard rails that kept me on track and making good decisions last year.

“The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” – Psalm 32:8

“Are you and Daddy doing anything special for Valentine’s Day?” my Julie sweetly asked yesterday. I replied, “To be very honest, every day is Valentine’s Day for your dad and me!” Every evening we make a big deal about dinner together. Our cook, Victoria, goes all out, making sure we have the best Nigerian foods to enjoy with our sons. Then on her time off, hubby lovingly takes over catering to us. Spoilt wife here!

I was so happy when Julie told me today how she sees how much her dad genuinely loves me. So important that we as parents teach our children how to love. Our kids see everything we do, and they’re learning from our example! They see us fighting, forgiving (ain’t nobody perfect!), ENJOYING each other, and sticking together through the good, bad and ugly with the HOPE that tomorrow will be better. LOYALTY, FAITHFULNESS, DEPENDABILITY are the values that are working for me, baby. Let’s make God proud by seeking to be the going the extra mile in love, forgiveness, and kindness kind of people. Amen! No matter how many times we fall, His love for us is ALWAYS unconditional. Humans might reject us, but God will never leave us or forsake us! That’s why I keep my eyes on Him!!! Wink! Wink!