That was my prayer the other day after my daughter Ember’s harsh criticism that it seems as if I’ve abandoned them.  The boys and I decided to take a walk out to buy pizza and stop at the food store that very afternoon, and, unbelievably, God used that trip to reveal His intimate Presence with us.

I agreed for the boys to get only one item each from the store. Emmie picked, out of this huge store and all the items there, ‘MACARONI AND CHEESE.’ We go to that section, and we take out different packs to calculate each one’s unit price and which was the best deal. Like totally making a big deal about what package to buy! We get to the cashier to pay, only to find out that I brought with me the wrong card to pay. I asked them to put the items on hold and that I would be right back with the correct card.

I rushed to call my daughter, Julie, to see if she would meet us halfway to collect the card from her. We go get it from her, and on our way walking back to the store to pay, we passed a restaurant, and a mother is at the door asking her son, “Dad wants to know if you want MACARONI AND CHEESE (Wink! Wink!) for dinner?” And that was another one of our God winks where everything lines of a little bit too perfect to be some ordinary coincidence. It was God revealing His invisible Presence with my sons and me.

What kind of love is this? Honestly, the entire day with the boys was just a reminder from God that I have some pretty awesome sons. ‘What’s the problem here, Nik? Stop beating yourself up, you’re doing a FANTASTIC job with these sons!’ He was seeming to say. While I’ve been in the US with my daughter, God, my husband, their school, close friends, and everyone else helping us with them, they did an outstanding job! I LOVE MY SONS!!!

The next day with my elder daughter, Ember, God figured out another way to let us know He was with us at work. Just as she was changing a password to a capital “GOD” from a lower case one, Drake is in the background saying through his song God’s Plan, “Might go down a G-O-D (Wink! Wink!).” Ember and I were both amazed how this lined up PERFECTLY with us correcting that old password. Again, for the radio station to be playing that song, and for those lyrics to so perfectly line up with our work, was again all orchestrated by God to let me know He is with my entire family and me! God, I’m grateful!

On that note, I’m taking some time off from the posts and videos! See ya again soon, by the grace of God!