It would be for the entire world to come and know God as I’ve come to know Him. He is my Father, Greatest Friend, Planner, Strategist, Advisor, Counselor, Teacher, and Protector. And it’s my honor and joy to tell you about this awesome God that I have the privilege of knowing and telling you about every day. AS YOU SEEK HIM, YOU WILL FIND HIM. That’s my testimony!

It was a good 13 to 14 years ago that I had a relative come and stay with me for one week. By the end of that week, and having such an awful experience with her, having to call the police to have her to leave, I was running to church! I was like God, ‘You’ve kept me from people like this all my life? Wow!’ I had a newfound respect for Him! A neighbor had been inviting me to visit her church for a long time, but I never went. Until that experience! And the best thing happened. I met a Pastor by the name of Dan Hall, who, through some astounding sermons, introduced me to this very loving and REAL God. His sermons blew me away, and I got hooked. No matter how tired I was, I dressed our kids, and we were off to church!

Pastor Hall taught me all about having a closer walk with God, and I’m incredibly grateful. He said that as I seek God, I would find Him. He encouraged me to come to church every Sunday, but most importantly, He said that I have to wake up early and seek God for myself. I remember getting up every morning and going to a home office we had to sit and have alone times with God before doing anything else. Pastor Hall said to start reading the Bible for myself. I did that. He said to start with The Gospels. I did that. And that was the beginning of a beautiful love affair.

So, that’s my suggestion to you:


Wake up earlier and start giving God your first focus of the day.

Read or listen to anything spiritual you feel brings you closer to Him.

For me, lately, that means reading a page from our family’s website, werollwithGod.com. It’s my reminder of all the times God has come through for me and, most importantly, the person He is calling me to be in every moment.

Like right now, I’m looking for one of my fav old posts to share with you, but God is telling me to reshare another one. It’s one with a pic of me that out of old posts was reused and sent to me today by someone in a Whatsapp group. It’s one of my alignments where everything lines up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence, it was God’s way of saying, ‘Nik, please reshare this one.’ Who am I to argue with God?!? God is pretty talkative once you get to know Him! Here’s what that old post said:


I love when God talks to me! I was feeling really anxious about some stuff last week and I went to one of my fav places to hear from Him, Tumblr.com, and like usual, He had the perfect message waiting for me in a post there:

“Fear is a greater evil than the evil itself. O daughter of little faith, what do you fear? No, fear not; you walk on the sea, amid the winds and waves, but it is with Jesus. What is there to fear? But if fear seizes you, cry loudly, ‘O Lord, save me.’ He will give you His hand: clasp it tight, and go joyously on. To sum up, do not philosophize about your trouble; do not turn in upon yourself; go straight on. No, God cannot lose you, so long as you live in your resolution not to lose Him. Let the world turn upside down, let everything be in darkness, in smoke, in uproar—God is with us. And if God dwelleth in darkness and on Mount Sinai, all smoking and covered with the thunders, with lightnings and noises, shall we not be well near Him?

— Letter from St. Francis de Sales to St. Jane de Chantal, 6 August 1606 (via catherineaddington)

Did you get that? “But if fear seizes you, cry loudly, ‘O LORD, SAVE ME.’ He will give you His hand: clasp it tight, and go joyously on.”

And that’s exactly what I did, I handed the issue I was worried and fearful about over to God, doing my best with what I needed to take care of, and I left the rest with Him. I noticed He’s training me to trust Him more and to let go of so many things I try to control in my little world. Like He’s saying, “Be brave and courageous, my daughter! Come out on this limb with me holding My hand, letting go of fear and live the best life with Me, afraid of nothing!’”

Notice how I sought God in that in really anxious moment, and I found Him – His sheep know His voice, and if you feel this is Him speaking to you, trust me, it is! He was there to comfort me on that awful day, and remind me that all will be well near Him no matter how explosive the world was looking around me. And that’s the love I want you to know. That no matter what you’re going through or struggling with, God’s presence is with you. Let’s all make Him a PRIORITY in 2021, waking up earlier and seeking Him, giving Him the first minutes of our day. And then seeking Him all day long, inviting Him to be a part of every moment of our lives, seeking to stay on the high road with Him, loving extravagantly and forgiving endlessly, being the people that seek to make Him proud and happy. I promise you, a life close to God is the best life! Wink! Wink!