That was the sweet statement from my husband recently. I thanked him, too. And, honestly, us both making decisions from a ‘God, what would You have us to do here?’ has led our lives on a gorgeous path. God, thank You!!! We may not get it right all the time, but we keep striving to be the people God would have us to be.

I love how God got involved with a conversation between me and hubs yesterday. He said to me, “The dark veil that was covering your eyes has been removed. YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW.” Fast forward to less than 2 hours, I go to listen to some of my podcasts while I cleaned up the kitchen, and of all the podcasts, the up next suggestion was Wayne Dyer’s latest update, entitled, “I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW (Wink! Wink!).” It was another one of my God winks where everything lined up too perfectly to be considered some ordinary coincidence. It was God Himself revealing His invisible presence with hubby and me.

But what really blew me away was how my husband knew about this dark veil and how it has been removed. It was a prophet in Nigeria telling him what’s going on in his wife’s head in the US. Crazy right?!? It’s another testimony to the greatness of God, though. It’s like that dark veil just magically disappeared overnight. It’s like I woke up, and all the negative, depressing thoughts that followed me everywhere were suddenly gone. I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW!!!

“We can heal from hard things,” was the message from Coach Bennet today on my run with God. That’s why I’m so thrilled to share this great news with you guys! Every time I would fall into these depressing spells, I would go running to God, and He has helped me. He turned the negative thinking into such positivity of hope, peace, and joy. Choosing to stay on the high road with Him has been the best decision going the extra mile in love and forgiveness.

I loved another God wink through Coach Bennet. Less than a minute after touching my God tree and saying to Him, ‘We’re together. We’re together. We’re together.’ Coach Bennet says to me, “WE’RE TOGETHER (Wink! Wink!). And, of course, I took it as a special message from God. Out of all the runs I decided on in the Nike Run Club app, for that message to be so perfectly timed after me telling God that we’re together, was all orchestrated by God to say back to me, ‘Nik, WE’RE TOGETHER.’ The sweet life with God, baby!

Don’t miss out on these God winks! Invite God to be a part of every moment of your life, continually seeking His wisdom, counsel (He’s the best therapist!), strength, love, and approval. 24//7 He is available!