My hubby, kids, and my 88-year-old momma, that is! Glory be to God! It has been a HARD year, but God has wonderfully guided us, and I’m incredibly grateful. As I type this, everyone is out shopping for a Christmas tree that Julie and Joshie have been lobbying to get. I just want new running clothes for my jogs with God where I get His clarity, direction, and wisdom for tackling the dilemmas and challenges that show up. No shame in my game, I also touch the last of my 47 trees that God had lined up for my 47th birthday to run under. I say to Him, ‘WE’RE TOGETHER. WE’RE TOGETHER. WE’RE TOGETHER.” And no, Julie, I don’t at all look crazy doing that! (SMILE)

Is God the Guide of your life? I can’t imagine my life without Him! He gives me such peace, knowing I’m not going through life alone. I can just show up as my best, most loving, and joyful self in every moment, KNOWING that God is in the background helping me. That means holding His hand super tight, doing my best, and trusting Him with the rest. I can never have control over my life circumstances, but I can trust that God is in full and total control of everything and everyone. That’s FAITH, baby!

It’s a practical experience of learning to listen to Him, though, where we can automatically discern what He would have us to do. “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” You learn His voice by following those strong feelings/nudges that tell you this is the way to go. It may make no sense to you, just a feeling. You follow it. Test it out. If it works out, then you’re learning God’s voice. Like sometimes we do something, and when it doesn’t work out, we say something like, ‘My mind told me not to do that.’ That was God warning you ahead of time NOT to go in that direction! Doubt means don’t! God always gives a firm “YES” in our spirit to go a particular way.

Then, importantly, we need the INVALUABLE appointments with Him where we read or listen to anything spiritual that helps us learn God’s character and the person He is calling us to be when we’re back out in the world. This year was Him teaching me these qualities:

But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no law that says these things are wrong. – Galatians 5:22-23

These values are working for me! That’s why it is my joy to tell you that you don’t go wrong with God. His ways are not our ordinary human ways, they’re so much better. Make God a top priority by seeking to include Him in every decision you make. He has exceeded my expectations in every aspect of my life! Don’t miss out on rolling with God on the daily, ENJOYING your life with Him!