I got a feeling from Him to read page 38 of our family’s website, werollwithgod.com, for an appointment with Him. I had written this eight months ago:


That was me to my hubby today. He and the boys are in Nigeria, and me and the girls are in the US. And with the airports being closed there to international flights for a month or so, we’re riding out this Coronavirus separated from each other. I told hubs that God didn’t plan for us to be together, but I would like to use this as an opportunity for us to get closer to Him. My goal is to come through this storm a happier and better wife, momma, and person. I thanked him for the beautiful life I get to live with them. I have the best family in the world, y’all. We ain’t perfect, but we’re sure close. (SMILE)”

I asked hubs if I could read it to him, and I just started balling crying because this was a rough year for our family, but by God’s grace, we made it through. My goals of getting closer to God and coming through this storm a happier and better wife, momma and person were accomplished. Glory be to God!

I cried because of God’s intimate involvement in my life and His deep love for my family and me. He has been with us every difficult step of the way. The devil did his best to get us off track, but I kept running to God in all my crazy lady moments, and I was reminded of the person He was calling me to be. This sermon from Bel Air Church became my crucial mindset:

“Jesus (God), what is your perspective on every moment of my life? Every relationship. Every decision. Every circumstance. And how can I enter into it to glorify you.”

And keeping that God perspective was what kept me holding my head high and strong despite the deep waters that tried to overwhelm me. My God was with me!!! And one decision after another, He guided me with His wisdom and love.

Even during my most difficult days, God would figure out some way to show up and remind me that He was standing with me. He even had a new stream of water to flow next to a major highway I drove by with my daughters just hours after I had sent my husband a text saying God will make a stream in the wastelands. God was doing a new thing with our family!

God has delivered on that promise! He brought us through the storm better, stronger, and closer than ever with an essential message for the world: GET STRONGER WITH THE LORD!!! The devil is doing his best to destroy us any way he can, but we must stay with this central mindset:

“Jesus (God), what is your perspective on every moment of my life? Every relationship. Every decision. Every circumstance. And how can I enter into it to glorify you.”

Start seeking to please God in the 1,000 decisions you make every day by being the loving, forgiving, peaceful, PATIENT, disciplined, joyful, full of faith people, focused on what is true, right and noble. That’s how He guides us through any storm that comes our way! Heehaw!!!