I kept asking Him earlier this year when I felt stressed, overwhelmed, depressed, and like I was on the verge of losing my mind. No joke. It was a lot. But He kept saying, ‘No, Nik, the work for Me continues.’ Every day, I did my best to keep the posts and the videos going, even though I was feeling like such a mess. Who am I to argue with God.

Can you believe that now those very old vlogs and blogs are the ones encouraging me so much lately? Everything I wrote and what I felt God was doing with me has come true. Take for example, this one from 6 months ago:

“I know that this difficult and sometimes overwhelming stuff I have to deal with is God’s way of challenging me to be better, training me as an athlete to be stronger (mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally). God, let’s do this! I’m a soldier in God’s army, baby! I know I will come through it happier, more mature, more disciplined, more focused, and more at peace.”

Today, as I write this, I’m happier (God gave me a new and BETTER heart in replacement of the broken one), more mature (not being tossed to and fro by every little thing that happens), more disciplined, more focused, and much more at peace. Thank You, God!!! Your school of hard lessons has paid off BIG TIME. “The pain of today shall be the joy of tomorrow!”

And speaking of this mature part, it was my husband who said to me a couple of months ago, ‘Nikki, stop acting like a baby!’ Let me tell you, I booked a flight the very next day to Nigeria from the US. The fight for my family was on, baby! But I brought Major Back-up: God:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”” – Joshua 1:9

I still have lots of challenges, but those challenges don’t have me. I know that God is my Life Partner, and as I do my best in the physical realm, He is at work in the spiritual realm on my behalf. I can’t get over a meeting I attended this week. The people I was meeting with were giving me such a hard time. God said to me in my spirit, “Ask your husband to come.” He first refused, but I called him again (Ms. Persistent!). The crazy thing was that once he came and started talking, all of a sudden, they accepted all my arguments that they rejected before. I was blown away! This was after God said to me some weeks ago in regards to this challenge, ‘Watch and see what I will do!’ God, You have my total confidence, love, and respect! (HUGE SMILE)

Will you recommit your life to Him today? I PROMISE you; this is the best life with Him as your Partner and Guide. Yes, there will still be difficulties, but He will even use them to bring you even closer to Him and help you become ALL He has designed you to be.

God, I recommit my life to walking with You and seeking to please You in all that I do, as You guide me on the path You’ve planned for me and my family. Amen.