I said to my friend, Danny, last night. She lives in the Bahamas and I’m in Nigeria, but God figured out a way to connect us over a year ago and looking back from where I was when I first connected with her, to the person she has helped me to become, all I can say is, “God, I’m tremendously grateful for the hook up.” We’ve helped each other through some pretty messy stuff and every conversation has been sacred, including the one last night.

She admitted to struggling with bitterness and I reminded her that instead of becoming bitter, we can use all the disappointments and hurts to really look deep within ourselves and see in what areas we can become better. So we can take the pain from what has happened and use it for our good to become better people. Bitterness has helped to create a new me! The miserable at times, undisciplined, unfocused, insecure, worrisome, discouraged and weak Nik is becoming much more focused, hardworking, disciplined, trusting in God more and loads happier. I’m a better wife, mother and person.

But this idea of using this issue to trust God more is where I am now at with it. I feel at a certain point, when you’ve done all you can, you have to surrender things over to God. Certain situations are out of our control, but they’re not out of God’s control. Our job is to turn them over to God, committing all our needs, hopes and fears to Him, being our wisest, bravest, courageous, toughest and most loving selves. And whether God turns things around or not, is not my concern anymore, because I trust God knows what He’s doing and I’m placing my entire life into His care.

“I pray God gives you wisdom,” I said to my hubby this morning. With God’s wisdom He can tell you where the right business opportunities are for financial wealth, He can teach you how to take care of yourself for better health and He can teach you how to handle the daily trials of life by giving you spiritual knowledge. This I pray for us all as we keep our eyes fixed on God, seeking His input in every decision we make, not going by the ordinary rules, but the supernatural rules knowing all things are possible with God.