No shame in my game! And He always figures out these SWEET ways of letting me know His Presence is ALWAYS with me. Woop Woop!
Like yesterday, after playing Tasha Cobbs’ song, ‘For Your Glory,’ for the entire morning, singing to God that I want to be where He is, I asked Him which page to go for an appointment with Him on our family’s website, I looked at a lightbulb’s package and saw the number 20, and I went directly there. Unbelievably it was an old post where I wrote about listening to this exact song that I was singing the entire morning:
“I wanna be where You are
Peace is where You are
Joy is where You are
And Love is who You”
Since then, I’ve played the song over and over and over again, begging God to please let me be where He is. Driving to work today, AGAIN, I played the song for the entire drive. Even getting all emotional about some silly stuff I have going on right now. Begging God to take my mind away from the stresses of the world and to be focused on Him.
Fast forward maybe 30 minutes later, I’m sitting in my office, and I felt the need to hear from God through my meditation book. Continuing from exactly where I had last left off from my appointment with God first this morning, this incredibly shows up after me begging God the entire drive to work for me to where He is, He says:
“Wherever you are, there I am.” – He and I
It doesn’t get any sweeter than this!”
And yesterday was another day where I needed that reminder from Him: “Wherever you are, there I am.” Don’t miss out on these alone times with Him! This world gets to be too much sometimes, and we need GOD!!!