That was an excellent message from my sister, Kelly! Ceri is a family friend who I low-key stalk in this group he formed to discuss Bible verses and how they relate to our lives today. And let me tell ya, not a moment of listening to him is wasted! Thanks, Ceri! You’ve helped me make some significant decisions that I’m pleased about! (HUGE SMILE)

Ceri gives me direct messages from God as to the decisions God Himself would have me make. I call Ceri my God influencer because he influences my choices as I consider them from the Almighty God perspective. Trust me when I tell you this: GOD’S WAYS ARE NOT OUR ORDINARY HUMAN WAYS; THEY’RE INFINITELY BETTER!!! Wink! Wink!

“I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress.” – Psalm 32:8

I feel God in my spirit directing me through Ceri’s messages that resonate strongly with me saying, ‘Nik, this is what I would have you do.’ For example, Ceri repeats the message of learning to be obedient to God. Then, Dr. Charles Stanley (another one of my messenger’s from God) often repeats, “Obey God and leave the consequences to Him!” Guys, obeying God is the most crucial thing! In practice, though, THIS IS EXTREMELY HARD!!! Sometimes the crazy lady wants to come out, and I must keep saying, ‘Nik, obey God!’ I tell the crazy lady to go away. When I do this, things work out even better than I expect them to; God always exceeds my expectations when I follow His leadership. He truly guides me on the best pathway for my life. Not always easy, but always best!

Ceri also is making me a more loving teaching me to love others the way God loves us – unconditionally. I’m learning that love is not a feeling, it’s an ABILITY to go through difficult times and yet stay committed, going the extra mile in love and forgiveness, WIPING THE SLATES COMPLETELY CLEAN, and no looking back on the past. Super tough! A message I listened to last night from Ceri spoke about granting others the same grace and mercy (pardoning without punishment) God grants us when we mess up. When I asked him about praying for our enemies, like, are we really supposed to do that??? He said, yes, but you do it to give yourself peace. He was right!

Ceri has honestly upped my faith in God to a whole new level. His strong belief in God has rubbed off on me that I’m feeling so close to God with a new level of confidence in Him like never before. I know that no matter the trials and troubles that come my way, I have God’s Presence backing me up. That’s the peace, joy, and love you cannot get from this world! This love I’m feeling from God is a sure thing, baby!

The moral of this story is that God has the best pathway for your life! Make sure you are developing a relationship with Him where you are learning His voice through having alone times with Him by listening to anything spiritual that brings you closer to Him (like me stalking Ceri!). Then, be obedient to God, listening to His moment-by-moment guidance for your life. Trust me, His plans for us are real good!!! Wink! Wink!