That was me to my husband today after reading an old post where he had thanked me for choosing God. We call him better than best husband and dad because he goes overboard in his responsibilities for his family. I have no doubt it is from the strong Godly values and principles his mom engrained in him. God bless her soul, as she would wake him up at 5 am to listen to a show on the radio called ‘Words of Wisdom.’ Along with his dad’s training and example, we’re blessed to have him. My brother Kevin gave me the perfect advice one day:

“Manny is a good person. Everybody has their little faults. But all in all, he takes care of his family, he respects his wife, and I don’t think you can ask for more than that.”

I wrote yesterday about the customer who wants his son to marry my daughter. He even went as far as putting the son on the phone with me. I told him, “I have one important question for you – How is your relationship with God.” This young man blew me away when he said, “God is my priority! I’m working on an even more intimate relationship with Him.” That was the perfect response! When is the wedding? Just kidding! But that’s my prayer that my children will marry people close to God and make decisions from a God perspective.

Like God does expect us to suffer sometimes, but if we do it for God, He is pleased. He expects us to love others the way He loves us – unconditionally. And that is sometimes hard to do. To leave the past in the past, forgive endlessly and keep moving forward with God’s guidance is a tough challenge, but we love because God first loves us. With our eyes fixed on Him, we can say, ‘God, whatever makes YOU happy, let me do that!’ It’s a practice of learning to forgive, overlook, and keep silent, all for the glory of God. The more we practice, the better we become at it! Let’s begin in our homes and then spread this love to the rest of the world, wherever we go and in whatever we do! God Himself rewards our love and faithfulness. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing; everything is ultimately between God and us. Don’t render evil with evil; render evil with good.

I loved a God wink when a friend, Godwin, spent the day with us the day before, and I kept saying whenever I saw him, “God wins!!!” Fast forward to yesterday, I’m connecting my computer to my phone’s hotspot, and unbelievably of all the names in the world, the wifi that was available at that moment, can you believe was “Godwin?” This lined up all too perfect to be some coincidence! It was God again strategically placing it there to brighten my day and remind us that His invisible Presence is always with us. We can relax and enjoy our lives as wonderful adventures with Him with the attitude of, ‘If God is for us, who can be against us!’

That’s the sweet, fun, cool, and loving side of God I hope you are discovering for yourself! Choose God by paying attention to Him deep down in your spirit as to what He would have you do (the right and most excellent thing, as best as humanly possible!), and make sure you are having alone times with Him so that you learn His voice and character and the person He would have you to be. THE BEST LIFE IS A LIFE CLOSE TO GOD!!! Wink! Wink!