That’s what I told my sweetie pie sister, Verona, is our new mission from God Himself – to wake up every day and SHINE BRIGHT on His behalf, using all the negativity and evil in the world as fuel to spread even more love, positivity, and goodness, starting in our homes and spreading out from there. God’s soldiers, baby! We got this, and God got us! Wink! Wink!

I loved my God wink on my morning run today. I was procrastinating about starting it, so at 20 minutes past the hour, I went to page 20 of our website and read an old post where Joshie said, “Mommy, you’re the one who puts the Range in the Rover,” a line we stole from Lil Kim from the song ‘The Jump Off.’ As I run, I put the music on shuffle, allowing God to be my DJ, and of over 800 songs in my music library, can you believe God had that very song to play minutes later? It was another one of my God winks where everything lines up enormously too perfect to be a coincidence, but all God orchestrated to remind us all that His invisible Presence is always with us. Even as Jay-Z said in another song, “54321,” the Nike running Coach then immediately says, “54321.” This was again timed perfectly by God! OUR GOD IS ALWAYS WITH US, BABY!!!

God also sings to me through these songs He selects. Like these lyrics from Monica’s song, ‘For You I Will’ is the kind of love I’m experiencing from God:

‘I will shield your heart from the rain
I won’t let no harm come your way
Oh, these arms will be your shelter
No, these arms won’t let you down
If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you

Put your faith in me, put your faith in me
And I’ll do anything oh
I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength, anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time, promise you
For you I will, yes yeah, yeah’

Yes, God sings to us! I want us to find new ways of enjoying Him. Also, notice His fun personality to have that Lil Kim song play as if saying, ‘I saw you procrastinating, my Nik, to begin your run!’ And honestly, that inspires me to RISE AND SHINE, knowing how much God loves me and that He is always there standing with me, being everything I need; even when I’m at my lowest, I feel His love strongly with me. He’s with you, too! Are you getting to know Him better? Don’t miss out on the best life with God as we spread His love in the world!