Honestly, I can’t get over these words from my husband today. He was amazed at how God arranged for us to come to Nigeria for the Christmas holiday, and how we ended up making a completely surprising decision that we are both extremely happy with. I’m the God maniac here, but for my husband to see and say it was all God’s plan, truly made me incredibly happy. It’s usually me who is always going crazy over how intimately God is involved in our lives!!!

This God story began on a day when I asked God if He would have me and the kids to travel to Nigeria for the Christmas holiday. We wanted my husband to come to the US, but he insisted that we come to him. So in an alone time with God, I felt Him speaking to me in an old post that we should overwhelm the leaders who work hard for us with love, respect and appreciation.

I knew God was referring to my hardworking husband! I called hubby right away, saying we were coming!!! He had already spoken to a travel agent who had arranged seats to travel on Qatar Airways, so he was waiting for the final confirmation from me so that he could pay her. I said go ahead and pay boo, your family is coming to be with you and overwhelm you with our deep love, appreciation and respect.

Fast forward maybe thirty minutes later, I’m back working at my desk, and an internet window screen opens up all by itself as if I had Google searched this: “FIFA WORLD CUP QATAR (Wink! Wink!) 2022”

I promise you guys, I had nothing to do with this QATAR showing up there because I don’t watch soccer at all. This was all orchestrated by God confirming that He Himself wanted us to go to Nigeria through QATAR!

Fast forward almost two months later, both hubby and I are freaked out over how God led us on this path to make this decision that we are both so thrilled about! God’s ways are not our ordinary human ways, they’re so much better!!! He has the best plans for our lives, it’s just for us to tap into His voice and follow His lead, even when He takes us out on difficult and rugged paths.

Are you involved God in your decisions? My life is becoming this extraordinary adventure with Him where He forever surprises me with His goodness – like this trip! I agree with David, who wrote:

“This most generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more than extravagant with you.” – 2 Corinthians 9:10, MSG

Don’t miss out! Ask God for a closer walk with Him, as we make this year our strongest year ever with God as our loving Planner (HUGE SMILE) and Guide on this beautiful life adventure with Him.