That’s God singing to me today and how He makes me feel – my fairy tale life with God continues, baby! Yes, He sings to me!!! And He sends angels to calm and soothe my mind! Like I wrote like a crazy lady how God speaks to me through our friend, Ceri. I wrote this specifically:

“Ceri also is making me more loving teaching me to love others the way God loves us – unconditionally… A message I listened to last night from Ceri spoke about granting others the same grace and mercy (pardoning without punishment) God grants us when we mess up.”

Well, God found a way to confirm that this was a message from Him! God is pretty talkative once you have ears to hear Him! In posting my post to Tumblr yesterday, I immediately saw a post that got my attention in my feed. I decided to read some more from this person and look at the post that incredibly showed up:

We all need grace, mercy, forgiveness, love…how can I withhold that which I’ve been given so abundantly (by God). I want to love better because I’ve been loved better (by God).

_We love because he (God) first loved us. _

If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. 1 John 4:19-20” – yieldfruit

I’m talking about the precise message from Ceri that we grant mercy and grace to others because that’s what God does for us (abundantly!!). Yayy! I’m not crazy, y’all! I told Ceri yesterday that God said when I was ready that He would teach me about love. He sent Ceri to help me learn these challenging lessons, and I’m so grateful to him and God for helping me through a difficult patch. It’s been rough, but I believe that I can do all things through He who strengthens me – when I’m weak, God is my strength! Amen! What is too difficult for God? Nothing! It’s just to follow God’s direction moment by moment, even when it’s hard!

No shame, I would stalk Ceri in this ClubHouse app where he speaks, and I would personally record and upload them to our YouTube channel. I’m the God maniac here, but I needed those reminders and lessons from Ceri that have tremendously increased my faith in God and taught me about being the person God Himself would have me to be in the world.

Looking back on everything, I can count everything as rubbish compared to this knowledge of knowing God. Through everything, I’ve come to experience TRUE love from God Himself (don’t need love from no other body!). In my weakest moments, God has been there. His love casts away all my fears and anxieties. It replaces them with peace, joy, courage, enthusiasm, hope, boldness, bravery, and confidence while also making me more loving, patient, and humble.

See how God can even use the worst situations to grow us up? That’s His deep love for us all! He’s not just into me, though. He’s into you, too! I’m just the God nerd who pays attention to report on the fairy tale life I’m experiencing with God. Knowing that through it all – the good, bad and ugly, He stands STRONGLY by our sides. Don’t miss out on all this good love from God Himself! Wink! Wink!