That statement blew me away last night from our Royal Chef, Victoria. I said, “I love you, my sweetie,” and she responded, “I love you mostest!” See the love I receive from God? He sends me people like Victoria, who go overboard in showing love to my family and me. I witnessed her making my smoothie one day. After lovingly buying all these fresh fruits and vegetables from the local market, she squeezed fresh orange juice to use as the liquid for blending when I would usually add water. She inspires me to be more loving and joyful because she comes into our kitchen enthusiastically and always makes us laugh. Anything you do, do it for God, not for other humans!
On top of that, she is very wise. One day I was saying something negative, and she immediately stopped me saying, “Speak only positive things!!!” Since then, I catch myself whenever I find myself with a negative focus, and I switch to a more positive one – OUR HOPE IS IN GOD, AND THERE IS NOTHING TOO DIFFICULT FOR HIM!!!
She was the one who taught me, “When you are with your husband, he is your husband. When you’re not with him, he is not your husband (it is what it is, folks!). I’ll never forget one Sunday feeling so upset with hubby, and it was like God Himself who told me to call her. I was expecting my husband to fly from Nigeria to the US, and I wanted to turn into a crazy lady. She said, “I want you to forget about everything and welcome him like I see you do when he comes home from work – “Hello, honey! Welcome home, sweetie! Pet him up, happy and laughing with him!” I did precisely that, being my most loving self and staying on the high road with God, and that was the best advice because I truly have the better than the best husband. Nobody’s perfect!
God even got involved that day, agreeing with Victoria! After picking hubby up from the airport, he insisted on going to a specific food store. After writing and telling you guys how God speaks to me through the number 311, saying specifically that I should be still, leave battles with Him, while I stay on the high road with Him, in this gigantic store, hubby calls me over and points to a sign with some sodas on special for “3/$11.” Wink! Wink!
Wow! The intimate love and attention God pays to my family and me truly blows me away, and why I’m here like a broken record saying, “Don’t play around with your relationship with God! Start seeking Him in every moment as to what to say (or not say), what to do (or not do), and where to go (or not go). And make sure you’re following the 311 by staying on the highest road being your most loving and excellent self like Victoria so wonderfully demonstrates, and going the extra mile, all for the glory of God. Our reward is with Him!!! Wink! Wink!