The sweet life with God continues, baby! Yesterday, before coming to work, I went to my fav bookstore to get another copy of my meditation book, The Imitation of Christ, which God so lovingly speaks to me through. So, in getting to work, I say hello to my husband, and he immediately puts me on the phone with someone. The person on the phone says, “Nikki, you’re not our friend. Only Emmanuel (my husband) is our friend.” That statement caught me off guard because I believe in my heart that I’ve been a great friend. The overly emotional, crazy lady here ended up getting so upset as to why this person would have such a thing to say.

I then decided to see what God had to say to me in the book I had just purchased. I randomly opened it and incredibly read this:


In this chapter the pious author seeks to persuade and convince us to disregard the opinion and judgment of others, and NOT PERMIT OURSELVES TO BECOME DOWNCAST BY ANYTHING THEY MAY SAY IN REGARD TO US (Wink! Wink!). We must try to derive profit from these calumnies so as to become more humble and patient. GOD ALONE IS OUR JUDGE AND KNOWS OUR SOUL TO ITS VERY DEPTH.”

Tell me, how could those words, addressing precisely how I was feeling at that moment, be just a random coincidence? It was God speaking directly to me and revealing another glimmer of His invisible Presence that’s always with us as if saying, ‘My Nik, why are you allowing this to get you so down? I alone can judge you!’

That’s why I spoke to some staff today about giving eye service and pretending to work in front of the boss. I told them that they’re deceiving themselves because our real Boss (God) sees everything, and He is the one to reward us when we try our best to honor Him in all that we do.

Are you taking time to hear from God like I did in that awful feeling moment? He’s always available! It’s just for us to seek Him and make space for Him in our lives. Never a moment spent with God is wasted! I said a prayer about 15 years ago asking for a closer walk with Him, and that was the best prayer I’ve ever said. The love and attention God shows me, I feel like His favorite girl, and I want the entire world here with me. I have an appointment with Him first thing every morning, at noon, and again at 5 pm. Read or listen to anything spiritual that you feel will bring you closer to God.

“The final purpose of self-discipline is to find one’s heart constantly in the presence of God.” – Imam al-Ghazali