Wow! That statement blew me away from my twelve-year-old spiritual guy, Joshie, yesterday! I asked him what he had learned from our shared appointment with God. He gave the perfect summation! Honestly, that has been my experience with God because He uses it all – the good, bad and ugly – for our good:

“And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.” – Romans 8:28

So many times, I go crying to God, and these lyrics from Justin Bieber would show up, or I feel God in my spirit saying:

‘Sometimes I don’t mind you havin’ the worst day…
Let your frustrations out right here
I’m your Psychiatrist, let’s talk about it…
I see the weight weighin’ on your shoulders
It’s so heavy
Let me be the meaning of your composure!’ – Take It Out On Me

I can look back on some of my most awful days and see the hands of God all over them, teaching me some difficult lessons that only these challenging experiences can teach. I feel this is what He is doing with us all:

“God wants to remove the weeds from our hearts like fear, anxiety, bitterness, envy, jealousy, hate, greed, selfishness, temptations, evil thoughts, anger, doing and saying hurtful things, and replace them with faith, mercy, kindness, goodness, peace, humility, gentleness, and patience bearing with and forgiving each other, clothing ourselves ALWAYS in love.

And like my brother, Kevin, reminded me, “If Jesus can ask God to forgive the people who nailed him to the cross, who are we to hold on to unforgiveness towards anyone?” He also said that we’re to put on the full armor of God the moment we step out of bed, KNOWING GOD IS OUR PROTECTION, LIFE PARTNER, AND GUIDE WHO EXCEEDS OUR EXPECTATIONS WHEN WE STICK WITH HIM. Wink! Wink!”

Speaking of Kevin and Joshie, though, I want us to learn from their light, funny, joyful, generous, genuinely loving personalities and not take anything too seriously. Yesterday, Joshie was responsible for cleaning the kitchen, so after helping him a little, I whispered in his ear, “I’m sneaking away to do my work for God!” He whispered in my ear, “I’m sneaking away to go and play games!” “Very funny! You go and wash your dishes!” I responded.

See the happy, playful personality? How do people experience being around you? That’s where I want us all, going to God every moment, asking what He would have us do! And we don’t have to respond to everything. Sometimes, we can remain silent, smile, ignore, and choose our battles wisely. Wink! Wink! YET I WILL REJOICE IN GOD MY SAVOR!