My daughter, Ember, has been giving me a hard time because she wants to transfer from the university she is currently attending in New York to one in Florida. Each time she brings it up, however, I tell her that I’m not getting that feeling from God that she should transfer. She gets agitated at me because I do not see things her way, but I keep saying, “I’m not feeling it, boo. God directed you there, so let’s pray about it and ask God which university He would have you to attend.” Well, yesterday, I felt God saying, ‘Ember, I want you to stay exactly where you are!’

So, this story began years before Ember’s first day in New York, with 117 and 711 being our numbers from God, signifying His Presence with us. We get to the university, and unbelievably, precisely at the entrance, are these two huge signs with 117 on them, the name of the state road where it’s located. Then, out of all the hotels she selected for us to stay at while dropping her off, I did a map a year ago to see how many miles it was from our home, which was exactly 1,107 miles. Again, the 117 showed up! In my mind, I have no doubts whatsoever that this is the university God Himself selected for her. I dropped her off feeling peace, knowing God Himself was there with her!

Fast forward to yesterday, she came to assist me at our office, and within 40 minutes, God figured out so many ways for this 117 to appear. First, we had a customer for us to try and get approved for a vehicle, and they had a repossession reported on 1/17. Then, in a report we needed to produce, Ember said, “Look, his first payment is 1/17.” Next, we ran the information and the first sale at the top, selected by the computer software, was a vehicle we sold for $11,700. Next, as I’m talking to her waiting on another customer, I’m posting my post on Whatsapp, and there is a voice note from someone timed for exactly 1:17. No way that in those few minutes, all those 117 appeared on their own! They were all signs from God saying to my daughter, “EMBER, STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!!!’

See the close guidance, attention, and love we receive from God! We’re a family rolling with Him, baby! The entire holiday, Ember has been fighting me on this issue, and I’ve had to keep saying, ‘Let’s hear from God! Let’s hear from God!’ and He had everything all perfectly lined up with those customers, the report we needed to complete, and even the WhatsApp note to let us know that He did not want her to transfer.

Up to every thought we think, God is aware of it! Like yesterday, I felt He was saying I should include the words “we should wipe the slates clean” when I wrote of loving others from a pure and clean heart, but I didn’t. At 11:05 this morning, I had some time for an appointment with God, so I went to page 115 of our family’s website, and look what incredibly showed up:

“He takes me through these sad times, though, to grow me up, mature, and teach me (and hopefully you) some crucial lessons. This time I felt He was teaching more about love – His kind of love. Love is not a feeling, it’s an ABILITY to go through difficult times and yet stay committed, going the extra mile in love and forgiveness, WIPING THE SLATES COMPLETELY CLEAN (Wink! Wink!), and no looking back on the past. Got that?”

God is intimately involved in our lives down to every thought we think! Like I’ve been teaching Ember, learn God’s voice and follow where He leads every moment because His ways are always best! MAY 2023 BE OUR YEAR TO GET STRONGER WITH THE LORD! AMEN!