I asked someone who I hear from God through. His response was one word: “EVOLVE.” And this was indeed a message from God! I’m in Nigeria, and although I had two hair brushes to pack and bring, I ended up leaving them in the US. Can you believe that the only brush we have here, I feel God continually nudging me in my spirit to pay attention to the word printed on it: “EVOLVE.” God is pretty talkative, and that’s His message to us all today: “EVOLVE.”

Someone helping me to evolve is a young yet very wise friend of my daughters, Mo. When my daughter, Ember, questioned him about being a Muslim and having multiple wives, he responded, “That’s all men; it’s just my religion allows for it.” Honestly, I told you guys recently how out on a day with my husband, this post showed up in an appointment with God on our way to where we were going on our family’s website, and it showed up again on the way back when my electronic book reader freakishly opened on its own to this precise post in my book:

“And about this playing life at a higher level, God has challenged me again through the rapper, Prince EA, to answer a vital question: “Who am I in the deepest sense?” He spoke about us being loyal to conditioned thoughts passed on from generation to generation. Thoughts that we’re so loyal to that we’ve fought over, killed over, gotten angry, sad, and depressed over. Me included! I get sad and depressed over the same crazy thoughts over and over again. I’ve had enough! I’m going to the next level of focusing on important goals like bringing humanity closer to God, seeing my children grow up to be the superhumans they’re capable of becoming, helping my husband take our businesses to new levels of success, and becoming the most awesome version of me.”

I laugh when I read back old posts of me getting so crazy and angry over these thoughts that bring me down too often. I published that book five years ago!!! The time and energy I’ve wasted! But God is calling us all to play life on a higher level asking, “Who are we in the deepest sense?” I want us to be God’s people, making tough decisions from His Almighty and wise perspective. GOD ALWAYS KNOWS BEST!!! Meaning sometimes we have to pretend that we do not see what we see, or hear what we hear, focused on the good of others, and keep our eyes fixed on God, asking for His moment-by-moment guidance of what He would have us to do.

My decisions no longer come from a place of me seeking my happiness. My happiness sometimes must take a backseat to ask instead, “What is best for my family (our team), and what would make God happy here?” It is not easy, and it takes superhuman strength at times (especially when crazy lady wants to come out!), but this is how God leads us on the best pathways for our lives with Him. And trust me, God gives far more than we can ever ask or imagine when we live life from the perspective of following and being obedient to Him! Obey God and leave the consequences with Him! Wink! Wink!

Another conversation with Mo was about having a positive attitude. If I’m honest with myself, doubts, insecurities, anxieties, and negative thinking constantly knock me down. Mo said you must keep replacing those negative thoughts with positive ones. But what freaked me out was when I questioned him about where God fits in with all this positive thinking, and he wisely responded that FAITH IN GOD was why we could think positively, knowing that He is with us, supporting us, helping us to fight battles. We must learn to let go and let God control what we can’t. I couldn’t believe this young man was teaching me (the God maniac here!) to think more positively and have more faith in God. Incredible!

This is my prayer for us all, to evolve to be these superhumans God has called us to be in our homes and in the world by having MORE faith, thinking positively, knowing God Himself is with us in every moment, helping, guiding, and supporting us, believing the thoughts He Himself would have us think while obeying what He would have us to do, and leaving the consequences to Him. So help us, God!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6