That was me to my husband yesterday over the phone, under my God tree, having to spend an extra long time with God there (no shame in my game!!! I NEED GOD!!!). Less than five minutes later, I went to read my meditation book, Jesus Calling (written as if God is speaking), and just using the scroll button to randomly pick a place to read one, look what incredibly showed up after telling my husband I was following his lead, God says this to me:


And that was another one of my God winks where everything lines up extremely too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence. It was God Himself making me aware that His invisible Presence is always with me, baby!!! And He is with you, too! I’m only the God maniac here who shares how I feel and hear from God so that you will begin to experience His intimate Presence with you.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” – Psalm 23:1-3

How exactly do I follow God’s lead? Years ago, I prayed for a closer walk with Him, and over the years I’ve gotten quite close to Him that I can feel God in my Spirit on a moment-by-moment basis. I can pretty much pick up what He would have me to say, what to do, and where to go. It’s been a beautiful and endless conversation with Him. Not that I get it right all the time, but with practice, I’m getting better and better at it by paying attention to my feelings. Feelings of peace, excitement, and joy, when I want to go in a certain direction are God’s way of saying, ‘Yes, this way, My Nik.’ But thoughts of doubt and uneasiness are His way of saying, ‘NO!!! Don’t do that!’ Then I pay attention to my thoughts (His voice is there too!!). Again, it’s practice learning which thoughts are His!

Then, my alone times with Him reading my meditation books (like Jesus Calling by Sarah Young), our family’s website rereading through old posts, or listening to Dr. Charles Stanley on YouTube, are some of my fav places to ask God what He has to say to me. So that when I’m back out in the world, I try to use God’s principles and values for making decisions. And to be honest with you, this is working out quite well for your girl! Not always easy, though, but always worth it when I look back on some of those difficult decisions. Trust me, God’s ways are always best!

Like this picture is of my daughter, Julie, and I attending a sendoff event for the university she will soon be leaving to attend. After my daughter, Ember, has already been offered an internship on Wall Street in New York, can you believe Julie has already been offered one at one of the top banks, and she’s not even in New York yet! That again is God exceeding my expectations, as usual! I’m such a proud mom who gives all the glory to God for His guidance, wisdom, and love. My daughters and I have no doubt whatsoever that God is behind the scenes of our lives, orchestrating events on our behalf. It’s just like He said though, WE MUST BE WILLING TO FOLLOW WHEREVER HE LEADS. No telling God to follow you, but you following Him!

Like He keeps sending me signs that I should be patient right now, even down to a bumper sticker on the back of a car that said, ‘Please be patient.” God is pretty talkative. So when the crazy lady wants to make an appearance, I remind her that we’re staying on the high road with God, obeying Him, and leaving all consequences for Him to handle at work in the spiritual realm on our behalf. Wink! Wink! God doesn’t disappoint when we stick with Him! We can lovingly and joyfully take on our lives, even the tough stuff, knowing He is always with us. Amen!