Those were the words from my brother/angel, Kevin, unbelievably from over two and a half years ago that I keep in my head ever since he sent me this WhatsApp message:
“Only thing you can do now to help, especially those beautiful children you have, you have to show them how to keep a solid head. You have to let them admire you for being a strong woman. And more than anything else, the people on the other side that are causing all this ruckus, you have to let them see you like an individual they’ve never seen before. How this woman get so strong? Living her life and not even checking. You don’t have to check for nobody. You are well taken care of.”
I’m running with those words, “HOW THIS WOMAN GET SO STRONG?” here to teach you all what Kevin and God have been teaching me with this message from God continually showing up:
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
Your girl here has been through A LOT!!! But it was all a part of my training/curriculum from God to be the wise, mature, focused, happy, peaceful, loving, courageous, brave, bold, hardworking, and content wife, mother, and person God Himself would have me to be. HEEHAW! I now ask how I can respond to situations while glorifying and reflecting God. Nothing is wasted! He uses all my messiness and makes it my message to you guys that His invisible Presence is with us in every single moment. It’s just for us to develop a relationship with Him, learn His voice and direction, and be obedient to Him. This is the way to the best life!
I can’t get over all the love and attention God shows me. Like this morning, I sent a text to another one of my angels saying they are teaching me this:
“Not to be the emotional, crazy lady reacting but a wise woman responding.”
Fast forward to a few minutes ago looking for that message from Kevin, this showed up in the same email that came up:
“The goal is to develop spiritual stamina so when a problem occurs, I don’t react out of emotion but out of wisdom.” Wink! Wink!
The exact text message from under the tree a few hours ago. God is pretty talkative! I want us all going through life being these wise people, responding to every situation from a God perspective. Like under the tree, He gave me this tough advice to follow when the crazy lady in me wants to make an appearance:
“…God has been teaching me about learning to vent to Him and to others I should remember silence (SUPER HARD!!!). I explained that it is an act of love towards another person when you sometimes hold back words and do not speak. A part of being wise is knowing when to speak and when to be quiet.”
Like this angel explained: Life is chess where you strategize 4 to 5 moves ahead, not checkers where you just react without thinking through the next moves. Last week I accidentally took a wrong turn, and my GPS immediately recalculated the new route. That night, watching some reels on Instagram, a video explained that life is like that GPS. It didn’t take me back to the beginning of my route; it simply recalculated from where I was at that wrong turn. We are to accept all our mistakes and failures from the past and simply recalibrate by looking at where we are now and what we need to do from that point to still reach our goals and dreams. We can continually wash the slates clean for ourselves and others, learn the lessons and keep going forward with God.
Kevin said yesterday that if Jesus can ask for forgiveness for the people who nailed him to the cross, who can’t we forgive. He told me that my cross is a dust of a cross that God has asked me to carry. A few hours later, I dropped my sons off at Calvary Church, reminded that Jesus was hung on Calvary and that I’m to continue lovingly and joyfully carrying the cross from Jesus on God’s behalf. God, anything for You!!! May we all be the spouses, parents, and people who make Papa God proud. Amen! Not easy, but for this God who is doing so much for us, lets be the going the extra mile people in love, patience, and gentleness, all for His glory.