That was an excellent question from Coach Bennet of the Nike Running Club App on my morning run with God today. To be very honest with you guys, I seriously go wrong by looking to my husband too much for his love, approval, and security. My husband is this fierce Nigerian businessman doing his thing, and I’m this sad, fretful, insecure wife waiting for him in the background. BIG MISTAKE!!!

Hubs and I had a huge fight recently, though, and it has been a massive wake-up call for me. Thank God for my brother, Kevin, who told me in a bad moment this year to get closer to God. I did precisely that after a clash with hubby– I ran to God! The most incredible thing happened. I felt God wrap His arms around me when a Dr. Charles Stanley sermon on YouTube just began playing on its own. I do not doubt that God Himself picked it for me to listen to in that awful moment. Such love He shows me!

Dr. Stanley described word for word how I was feeling at that very moment, emotionally and physically – Like this burden was just too much. I can’t take anymore. Who am I for God to go to such great lengths to comfort me with that sermon? I was immediately filled with this intense love for God, knowing He was right there with me.

But the way he put a spin on it, blew the God maniac away! He said we could use the adversity as a bridge to build a closer, more intimate relationship with God. That adversity was my opportunity to get even closer to Him, and I ran with it! God melted away all my fears and insecurities!

Since then, I have had an entirely new perspective. It’s not my husband’s job to provide me with love, approval, and security. That’s where a relationship with God comes sweetly in to help us live our most joyful, peaceful, and purpose and loved-filled lives. I’m God’s Rockstar, baby! Wink! Wink! God has taught me to put all my relationships in their proper perspectives. He has to be number one, and from that place, resting on His heart, we live, move, and have our beings in the world with Him as our constant Partner.

After the battle with hubs, God gave me His strategies to get our marriage back on track with the philosophy that love is like bread. You eat it up, and then you have to bake more. I’ve happily accepted my role as the glue holding the family together. Kevin, also taught me that he wants me to work on being wise. That means going to God for His guidance on what to do on a moment-by-moment basis. And God tells me that I should overwhelm my husband with love, appreciation, and respect. To not let the WEEDS (the bad) overshadow the wheat (the good!). That I should stay on the high road with Him being my most loving and forgiving self. To hold back some words as an act of love. To vent to Him and to others, I should practice silence. To be still and know that He is God (leave the battles with Him!).

God’s ways are not our ordinary human ways, they’re so much better! Make sure you are making time to seek God like I did in that awful moment and get His perspective on your life! We don’t go wrong with God! Heehaw!