But let me tell ya, GOD STOOD WITH ME!!! That’s the great news I’m sharing with you! That we can go through our share of trials, disappointments, challenges, frustrations, difficulties, hurts, and miseries, but God is always available to guide us safely and confidently through every storm. The battles belong to the Lord!

During a heated moment, I felt Him saying that I should stay calm. I decided that I needed to go out for one of my God runs. This is where my brother, Kevin, perfectly articulated what these times alone with God do for me:

“I don’t know if it gives you strength. I think it gives you wisdom. It gives you time to think, to plan, to focus. You are in a war; you realize that right. Any problem that you have is a war. So, you need to strategize. And I think your runs give you clarity in everything. Keep running. Trust me when I tell you this, I think that is the key.”

I jogged a little bit past my God tree to a bench to ask God what was my next battle move. A picture came up with my daughters that said: “Half the battle is choosing the right battle.” I felt this was God saying, ‘Nik, choose this battle.” Next, an old post came up where I wrote about Joseph and how every time he went through challenging and difficult times, there was a line quoted five times that said, “… but the Lord was with Joseph.” I took that as a reminder to me that God was also standing with me in that difficult situation. Then, there was some great advice about staying calm, not turning into the crazy lady, and going to God in every decision. A Whatsapp message also reminded me that God and I were a majority. Nothing I can’t overcome with Him by my side!

Can you guys believe I took all that advice from out on that run and calmly handled the situation, knowing God was right there in the midst of everything with me? And God did it! He helped me to conquer a significant battle. Phew! Thank God for me, please, guys!!! (With tears in my eyes!) This was one that felt like seven times the intensity of anything I’ve ever faced. But all the advice I give, paid off. I calmly, confidently, manly, and courageously faced my storm, doing my best with what God asked me to do, and I left the rest of the battle with Him.

Like I always say, God is with us, for us, and on our side. It’s just for us to tap into His voice and know the battles to take on and the ones to leave with Him. Wink! Wink! Pretty proud of myself. I stood up for something vital to me, and God was right there standing with me! Heehaw! This experience increased my faith in God even more than ever! Where are you with your faith in Him? Make sure you are also taking time out to hear what He has to say specifically to you! He is all up in our business! (HUGE SMILE)

#faith #God #love