Life gets highly overwhelming, but that’s where a relationship with God comes sweetly in, baby! Even for your girl here, the God maniac, I have to keep running to Him to get His crucial perspective on all the dramas that show up on a moment-by-moment basis. No shame!

And His love continues to blow me away. Before typing this, I prepared this pic for today (that’s my beautiful inside and out daughter, Julie, BTW), feeling strongly that the caption should be, “GOD, I DEPEND ON YOU.” Instead of resharing an old post, I felt God in my spirit dictating what He would have me to say. After a weekend where my emotions were all over the place, this portion from Marianne Williamson’s book, A RETURN TO LOVE, came CLEARLY to mind:

“What I learned from A Course in Miracles is that the change we’re looking for is inside our heads. Events are always in flux. One day people love you; the next day you’re their target. One day a situation is running smoothly; the next chaos reigns. One day you feel like you’re an okay person; the next day you feel like you’re an utter failure. These changes in life are always going to happen because they’re part of the human experience. What we can change, however, is how we perceive them.

There’s a biblical story where Jesus says we can build our house on sand or we can build it on rock. Our house is our emotional stability. When it is built on sand, the winds and rain can tear it down. One disappointing phone call and we crumble; one storm and the house falls down.

When our house is built on rock, it is sturdy and strong and the storms can’t destroy it. We are not so vulnerable to life’s passing dramas. Our stability rests on something more enduring than the current weather, something permanent and strong. WE’RE DEPENDING ON GOD (Wink! Wink!).”

For those words, WE’RE DEPENDING ON GOD, to show up less than 5 minutes after me making the caption for this picture, “GOD, I DEPEND ON YOU,” was just His sweet way of revealing His invisible Presence with me, when once again, and out of the blue, everything lines up extremely too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence. This is where He wants us all, DEPENDING ON HIM. No matter how difficult life gets, we can have God as our firm foundation so that life doesn’t crush us.

“You gain confidence through knowing that I (God) am with you – that you face nothing alone. Anxiety stems from asking the wrong question: “If such and such happens, can I handle it?” The true question is not whether you can cope with whatever happens, but whether you and I together can handle anything that occurs. It is this you-and-I together factor that gives you confidence to face your day cheerfully (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young).”

Say this prayer with me, “God, we’re depending on You!” Nothing is impossible for Him. Let’s just keep doing our best in the physical realm, knowing God is at work in the spiritual realm on our behalf! Wink! Wink!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9