Today is Ember’s last day of high school, and I’m like the proudest mom in the world! She has been my gift from God, setting such a fine example for her siblings to follow. She has exceeded our expectations! We do not doubt that God will continue to guide and guard her as she moves on to the next stage of her life. God and Ember, we’re incredibly grateful to have You in our lives!

That’s why I will continue to preach this message that I learned from mother Teresa: “In the final analysis, everything is between God and us, not between us and anyone else.” I’m now constantly asking, ‘God, what would make You happy here?’ And I do my best to do that. To honor Him in all my ways because He gives us immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

Like this morning, I wanted to go and exercise, but I felt the Holy Spirit (God’s voice within me) saying that I should stay and wait to have an appointment with Him with my husband. I opened up a meditation book I love called God’s Promises, and I read a chapter about the Holy Spirit. Hubby agreed with me how God has beautifully guided our lives by His voice that we follow. I laughed, telling Him about how God told Him to go to Nigeria but didn’t give me that message. He told me through the Holy Spirit to give my husband an open hand to leave me and the kids in the US, while He pursued opportunities in Nigeria.

Those decisions where we both followed God’s directions have paid off tremendously. A big part of Ember’s success has to do with her growing up in this Nigerian culture and developing an excellent character as the foundation of her life and having a strong relationship with God. That I know that wherever she goes in the world, His Presence will be with her.

Even during a tough time yesterday with my wonderful hubby, I felt God in my spirit just telling me, ‘Nik, SHHH! Don’t say anything!’ I kept calm, not allowing my husband’s harsh words to get into me. I immediately forgave him and ended up having a beautiful evening with some house guests. Thank God for Victoria Osteen, who taught me not to allow disappointments to get in me. She advised us to let them go and get good at forgiving and covering the offenses of others. I did exactly that last night with my husband and I was so much happier for it! The Holy Spirit has also taught me to focus on the good in my husband, and there is so much that I can ignore the negatives when they show up.

I keep my eyes on the prize, and all God has in store for us! No time to be fighting useless battles! The wiser Nik has learned to choose her battles well and leave the rest with God. Wink! Wink!